the Province being absolutely free from this disease during the year. The
staff was busily occupied in many districts in coping with rinderpest, and as
the efficacy of the preventive serum is well established, the inoculation of 60,258
contact animals must represent a great saving of capital to agriculturists. It is
regrettable that so many animals died in Mianwali after inoculation, but the case
was investigated by the Superintendent, and there is no reasonable doubt but that
the mortality was due to a parasitic disease. In spite of the departmental orders
that cattle exposed to infection from some other disease should not be inoculated,
there must, with a subordinate staff like ours, always be a danger of incidents of
this kind. There is, however, no question as regards the growing faith of the
people in anti-rinderpest serum. We are still without a reliable vaccine against
hæmorrhagic septicæmia, the most deadly of all cattle diseases in the Punjab.
The results obtained with the vaccine which is under trial will be awaited with
great interest. Black-quarter vaccine is now obtainable from the Imperial
Bacteriological Laboratory.

As above. Veterinary

80. The working of the hospitals is improving, and there is a substantial
increase in the number of cases treated. The attendance
would certainly be much better if veterinary assistants
were not compelled to leave their hospitals to deal with outbreaks of epidemic
disease. It is to be hoped that good buildings in convenient situations will soon
be provided at Amritsar and Murree where the existing hospitals are already
doing remarkably good work. The accounts of the Simla Hospital show a clear
profit of Rs. 1,266 to Government. This is a very creditable result.

As above. Breeding

81. The number of bulls in districts has advanced from 379 to 437.
The number varies greatly from district to district, but
this is due to differences in local condition. It is unfortu-
nate that the Sargodha bull farm scheme has been delayed for so many years
owing to the difficulty in securing Rakhs Drema and Risala which have been
selected for the run. Negotiations are still proceeding with the Military Depart-
ment. Much more attention is being taken in horse breeding in the non-select-
ed districts. The recent stock census shows that there has been a marked in-
crease under the head "horses and ponies". There is a keener demand for good
stallions, which I consider that we should make every endeavour to meet. A
general improvement in the number and quality of the horses and ponies in
the Province would be a valuable asset to the Military Department, and the
breeding of good animals at present prices would be an additional source of profit
to the agricultural population. Mule breeding is now on a much sounder basis,
as a large number of effete and useless donkey stallions have been cast and re-
placed by young animals.

As above. Publications in

82. Captain Walker has contributed a series of articles on veterinary
subject to the "Zemindar," and it is understood that these
have been much appreciated. The question of issuing pam-
phlets on approved subjects is under consideration. With the marked rise in the
value of cattle, useful information connected with the management of cattle and
their protection against disease would probably be well received.

As above. Notice of officers.

83. There have been no changes in the administration of the Department
during the year. Captain Walker has, therefore, devoted his
attention to the training of his staff and to the development
of the scheme of working introduced in the autumn of 1907. I consider that every
effort is being made to make the department of direct and practical use to the
agricultural community, and that the year may be regarded as one of continued
and gratifying progress. Mr. Woodley had a particularly arduous year and his
health suffered from the strain. He worked zealously and assiduously. Mr.
Taylor did very well throughout. Both these officers deserve credit for their
work. Mr. Carless has been gaining experience and he should become a useful

                                                                                  W. RENOUF,

                                                                  Director of Agriculture, Punjab.

   The 30th June, 1909.