No. 1972 S. (Rev. & Agri.—Genl.).


                    THE HONIBLE MR. R. HUMPHREYS, I.C.S.,

                                                  Secretary to Government,

                                                            Punjab and its Dependencies,




                                                            Dated Simla, 23rd August 1910.
Revenue and Agriculture.



I AM directed to submit, for the information of the Government of India,
a copy of the annual report of the Civil Veterinary Department for the year
1909-10 and to convey the following remarks.

2.    The continued demand for veterinary graduates is gratifying evidence
of the good training they receive at the college. It is hoped that arrangements
which are under consideration in connection with the King Edward Provincial
Memorial will result in the transfer of the college to a more commodious and
suitable site which will permit of much-needed extensions being carried into

3.    During the year sound progress has been made by the department and
eight new veterinary hospitals were opened bringing the total up to 94. In this
connection the Lieutenant-Governor desires to acknowledge the liberality of
Lala Tara Chand in contributing a sum of Rs. 7,000 for the construction of a
hospital at Bhiwáni. Notwithstanding that the year was on the whole a healthy
one the large increase in the number of cases treated shows conclusively that the
department is rapidly gaining the confidence of the people which is a most
satisfactory sign.

4.    In view of the large increase of surra throughout the province it is to
be hoped that the efforts which are being made to evolve a satisfactory form of
treatment to combat this disease will meet with success.

5.    Sir Louis Dane desires to place on record his appreciation of the
good work done by the officers of the department during the year.

                                                                  I have the honour to be,


                                                            Your most obedient Servant,

                                                                    R. HUMPHREYS,

                                                      Secretary to Government, Punjab.

                    No. 1973 S., (Rev. & Agri.—Genl.).

COPY forwarded to the Director of Agriculture, Punjab, for information,
with reference to his letter No. 245 C., dated 29th July 1910.

                                                                            By order, &c.,

                                                                        R. HUMPHREYS,

                                                            Secretary to Government, Punjab.

          Punjab Government Press Lahore—6-9-10—139— 360— K. C. M.