ON THE


                         For the year 1909-10.


          MAJOR A. SMITH, I. C. V. D, PRINCIPAL.

General administration.

1. The administration of the institution has, throughout the year, been
in my hands. The following changes in the staff have
taken place during the year. Mr. E. Burke, Deputy
Superintendent, Hissar, took over charge of the office of Professor of Surgery, on
the 13th December last, vice Captain Dawson transferred to Madras, on the 1st
December, 1909. Mr. R. Branford was deputed in May, 1909, for training at the
College. On the 20th July last he proceeded to Dacca and officiated as Superin-
tendent, C. V. D., Eastern Bengal and Assam, for three months, whilst the regular
incumbent was on leave.


2. The summer session commenced on the 21st April, 1909, closing on
the 30th June, 1909, The winter session commenced on the
1st October, 1909, closing on the 31st March, 1910.

Veterinary graduate's

3. The numbers undergoing instruction in the three
classes, for the Graduate's course, were as follows:—

1st Year






2nd Year








3rd Year






Administration examina-
tion first year class.

4. The number of students admitted on the 20th April 1909 was 75
which number by the addition of three remanded students
brought the total number of students, in the first year class,
to 78.

Educational qualifica-

5. The educational qualifications of 75 men, admitted
during the year, were as follows :—

Entrance passed




Middle passed



Students from Cavalry Kegiments Remount Department and

Imperial Service Troops.


Second year class.

6. The second year class commenced with 72 students, of which number
71 appeared in the examination, as one military student,
through prolonged sickness, was unable to attend at the time
of the examination.

Third year class.

7. The third or final year class commenced with 98 students plus a veteri-
nary assistant from the Civil Veterinary Department,
Bengal, sent here for one year to qualify for the graduates
Diploma. Of this number, one student was struck off the rolls for prolonged
absence from lectures without permission or satisfactory explanation, and two
others were not allowed up for the examination for the following reasons, viz.
one for overstaying his leave and general backwardness, and one for not having
paid his fees.