Contagious disease: other
animals.—Table II.

22. There were 4,438 deaths from contagious diseases among other
animals against 8,853 last year.

                          SECTION 2.—OTHER DISEASE.

Treatment of disease in
villages.—Table IV.

23. During the year 12,141 villages were visited by veterinary assist-
ants on tour and 72,780 animals were treated. Last
year 12,155 villages were visited and 97,275 animals
treated. The decrease is due to the healthier season.


Veterinary hospitals.—
Table V.

24. During the year under report there were 102 veterinary hospitals
in the province, and the total number of cases treated
comes to 222,729. Last year the number of cases was
199,066 in 94 hospitals. This represents a substantial increase and indicates
the growing popularity of these institutions. The average daily attendance at
each hospital works out at 16 and the average daily admittance of fresh cases at
7.5; the figures for last year being 12.95 and 5.8 respectively.


25. The work of providing suitable buildings is progressing slowly.
At the close of the year there were 102 hospitals, of which
66 have been constructed on standard plans and the rest
are accommodated in other buildings.

Dog kennels at Simla hos-

26.    The dog kennels referred to in paragraph 29 of the last year's
report have been completed.

27.    The veterinary hospital be built by the beneficence of Lala Tara
Chand, Rais of Bhiwani, was completed during the year.

28.    A well at Jullundur was completed, and one each at Tarn Taran
and Kasur veterinary hospitals are about to be sunk by public spirited citizens
of these places, which is worthy of acknowledgment.

Income and expenditure
at veterinary hospitals.—
Table VI.

29. The income from and expenditure on the veterinary hospitals in
the districts of the province are incorporated in Table VI.
Rupees 13,875 were realized from fees against Rs. 11,867
in the previous year.

The Simla veterinary

30. The statement of receipts and expenditure of the veterinary hospi-
tal, Simla, shows that the year has been a satisfactory
one. The total income was Rs. 9,077 against an expendi-
ture of Rs. 6,916 during the year. This leaves a balance
of Rs. 2,161 to be credited to Provincial funds, which is Rs. 363 more than
is necessary for the institution to pay as required by the terms of transfer of
the hospital to the Municipality in 1907. Last year the figures were—receipts
Rs. 5,130, expenditure Rs. 2,867, balance to be credited to Provincial funds
Rs. 2,269, or Rs 108 more than that of this year. The hospital continues
to pay its way satisfactorily.

                            Part III.—Breeding Operations.

                                SECTION 1.—BOVINES.

Stud bulls.—Table VIII.

31. At the close of the year under report there were 485 stud bulls at
work in the districts against 472 last year. There were
76 additions and 63 casualties. All the bulls are the pro-
perty of local bodies.

Supply and care of bulls.

32. During the year under report indents for 43 bulls were received
from 9 districts, and these were fully complied with from
Government Cattle Farm, Hissar. Nineteen bulls of the
Dhanni breed from Chakwal were purchased for 4 districts.