Number of horses and
pony stallions in the non-
selected districts.—Table X.

33. At the close of the year under report there were 65 horses and
pony stallions at work in the non-selected districts.
This is 5 less than the sanctioned scale The deficiency
is in the districts of Gurgaon, Kangra, Jullundur, Gurdas-
pur and Muzaffargarh.

Number of donkey stal-
lions in the non-selected
districts.—Table X.

34. At the end of the year there were 72 donkey stallions at work in
the districts, or 3 short of the sanctioned scale. Ten don-
keys were indented for during the year under report, of
which eight were supplied by the Hissar Cattle Farm, and
arrangements are being made for the purchase of one locally for the Kangra

Services of stallions.—
Table XI.

35. Two hundred and fifty-seven mares were covered by the horse
stallions and 3,558 by pony stallions during the year
under report, at an average of 51 and 56 respectively.
The total number of mares covered by the donkey stallions
was 3,066, or an average of 47 per stallion.

Feed and keep of stal-
lions.—Table XII.

36. The average cost. of feed and keep of stallions for the year was
Rs. 291 per horse, Rs. 293 per pony and Rs. 178 per
donkey. This is less than in 1909-10.

                    SECTION 3.—FAIRS AND SHOWS.

Fairs and shows.—Tables

37. The statistics in regard to fairs and shows as received from the
districts are incorporated in Tables XIII and XIV. Ac-
cording to the figures supplied by the Accountant-General,
Punjab, Rs. 61,011 were spent by local bodies on these
meetings. The Government contributed Rs. 3,325.

Horse shows in non-select-
ed districts.—Table XIII.

38. During the year under report horse shows were held in 9 non-
selected districts. Imperial prices and medals were allot-
ted for the shows at Delhi, Karnal, Ambala and Gurdaspur

Cattle fairs and shows.—
Table XIV

39. Cattle fairs were held in 22 districts. Most of the shows were
attended by the officers of the department, who assisted
the judging committee, and 11 medals from Provincial
funds were awarded at Hissar, Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Jhe-
lum and Lyallpur.

Camel shows.

40. The scheme inaugurated by the military department, and referred
to in paragraph 41 of the last year's report, has not been
successful; so the matter has been finally dropped.


Merino rams.

41. During the year 9 more rams died, making a total of 11 casualties
in all. Thus there now remain 14 in Kangra and Kulu.
Since the close of the year under report the Chief Su-
perintendent made an extended tour in Kangra and Kulu in this connection
and is submitting a special report. He considers the experiment is not being
run on proper lines to secure a success, and the early importation of more rams
and some ewes is necessary, as the mortality up to date is about 50 per cent.
The wool of the cross-bred lambs is vastly improved, but owing to its oily nature
the natives have difficulty in cleaning it.


42. As explained in paragraph 41 of the last year's report, repeated
enquiries have been made from Peru about Llamas, but no
reply has yet been received.