last year. In 1902-03 the income from fees at veterinary hospitals was
Rs. 116-6-0. The large increase at the Delhi hospital is worthy of notice. It is
accounted for to a great extent by the Darbar. The Simla veterinary hospital
continues to flourish. A balance of Rs. 2,473 on the year's working was
credited to provincial funds, which is Rs. 637 more than is required by the
terms of transfer to the Simla municipality. It has been decided that this
hospital shall be carried on by the municipality for a further period of five years
on the same terms as before.

                          Part III.—Breeding operations.

                                        (1) BOVINES.

Stud bulls,—table VIII.

18. The number of stud bulls at work, the number obtained during
the year, and the casualties are shown in table VIII
They are all the property of the various local bodies.
Seventy-two animals were supplied from the Hissar cattle farm after being
approved by Mr. Woodley, acting as Chief Superintendent. The remainder
were purchased privately.

Cattle breeding.

19. Interest in cattle breeding received an impetus from the publication
of Mr. Stow's report, and the subject has received consider-
able attention during the year. The Director of Agriculture
has himself taken the matter up keenly and in co-operation with districts
local schemes for improvement are being prepared.


20. The Hissar cattle farm is to be provincial in future. The bulls
obtained from this farm have been of great service in the
past. It is to be hoped that the supply will continue to
meet the demand, which is likely to be very great.

The Kaliana (Sir Louis Dane) cattle farm was inspected by the Chief
Superintendent and the Superintendent, South Punjab (twice). Bhai Hukm
Singh has managed to collect a useful herd of Montgomery cows, and it is to be
hoped that the farm will realise expectations.

Grants of land on cattle-breeding terms are likely to prove of consider-
able economic value.

                      (2) EQUINES (UNDER LOCAL BODIES).

Number of stallions—table

21. The number of horse and pony stallions at work at the close of the
year was 66, or 4 less than the sanctioned scale. Kangra
Jullundur, Hissar and Muzaffargarh districts were each
short of one animal.
The number of donkey stallions was two short of the requisite number.
One was sold recently in the Hoshiarpur district and the Kangra district was
short by one animal.

Service of stallions—table

22. The number of mares covered during the year was satisfactory and
an increase over the previous year. Accurate figures of
produce are somewhat difficult to obtain without harass-

Feed and keep of stal-
lions—table XII.

23. There was a slight increase in the cost of
maintenance of the stallions due to the extra cost of

                                          (3) OTHERS.

Merino sheep.

24. Out of the 25 Merino rams imported in 1909 for the Kangra
district 10 are remaining. As stated in last year's report,
Mr. Woodley inspected these animals and their stock and
submitted a special report. A number of cross-bred lambs have been born, and
the Assistant Commissioner in Kulu states that there are signs that the experi-
ment will prove a success in time.

It has been decided to import a flock of rams and ewes and place them
in charge of a gaddi (shepherd) in Kangra. A sum of Rs. 3,500 has been
sanctioned to meet the cost.