Even when increased accommodation becomes available, it will be neces-
sary to limit the number of admissions, for even now the size of the classes is
too large for efficient instruction. The facts appear to demonstrate the need of
another Veterinary College in Northern India. His Honour is glad to observe
that the number of cases treated in the hospital has increased, though the Princi-
pal is not hopeful of any further improvement in this direction. The Lieutenant-
Governor recently inspected the site of the new College, and the location of the
various buildings has now been finally decided.

4. The experiment of demanding fees for inoculation has not proved a
success, only 18,335 inoculations against rinderpest being performed as against
32,096 during the previous year, and, the number of deaths from contagious
disease, especially rinderpest, having materially increased, the practice has now
been discontinued. The experiment was clearly in advance of popular ideas on
the subject, for, as the Chief Superintendent remarks, people who are accus-
tomed to have themselves and their children vaccinated and inoculated free
cannot understand why their cattle should not also receive free treatment. In
spite of the falling-off in the number of inoculations the number of cases treated
in villages is well up to the average, and the number of castrations is double
that of last year. His Honour agrees with the Chief Superintendent as to the
importance of castration if cattle-breeding is to be improved, and has recently
taken the views of district officers as to possibility of provincial or local legis-
lation for the control of immature and wandering bulls. The general opinion, in
which the Lieutenant-Governor concurs, is that private rights of property and
religious sentiment make effective legislation impracticable, and that the difficulty
can best be met by encouraging District boards to provide good bulls. Once
the zamindar can obtain the services of a good bull without difficulty, it may
be left to his commonsense to protect his stock from immature and degenerate
animals. In the Central Punjab, where greatly increased interest in cattle-
breeding has been shown during the last few years, matters are already moving
in this direction, and His Honour is glad to observe that the Director of
Agriculture is investigating the possibility of providing the west and north-west
portion of the Province with a sufficient supply of good stock-getters. The
Veterinary Hospitals continued to do good work, their number having risen to
113, at which 270,889 cases were treated. The increased interest in sheep-
breeding is a hopeful sign, and the results of introducing the Merino breed are
beginning to make themselves felt.

5.    The Hissar Cattle Farm is now under the full control and manage-
ment of the Punjab Government. The year has not been a very satisfactory
one for the farm, the expenditure being largely in excess of the receipts. The
deficit may be partly due to two bad seasons in succession and to the fact that
animals have hitherto been sold for less than their market value. The full price
is now being recovered, and it may be expected that the financial results will be
better, but even so it would appear doubtful whether the farm can ever be a
source of profit. The value of the farm as a provincial asset is somewhat
discounted if it is to be run at a loss financially, and His Honour is of the opinion
that the strictest economy must be observed in its management.

6.     In conclusion, the Lieutenant-Governor wishes to express his appreci-
ation of the good work done by the officers of the department, which has conti-
nued to maintain its high level of efficiency.

                                                                    I have the honour to be,
                                                                Your most obedient Servant,
                                                                      J. P. THOMPSON,
                                                  Revenue Secretary to Government, Punjab.

    Punjab Government Press, Lahore—17-9-13—1641—400—K. C. M.