A class for the training of farriers was also held and 12 men were
trained practically and passed the examination.


7. The number of patients treated in the hospital
was as follows:—



Equines ... ...



Bovines ... ... ...



Canines ... ...



Contagious ward ... ...



Every effort has been made to increase the practice which is so very
necessary for teaching purposes, and I am glad to be able to report that there
has been a satisfactory increase during the year. I am not however hopeful
that any great further increase can be expected as animals are fewer and a
considerable number of veterinary officers are now stationed in Lahore
cantonment who practise privately and do most of the cantonment work.

Contagions ward.

8. There has been considerable improvement in the work done. More
attention has been given to demonstrations at post-mortem
examinations, of which 141 were carried out.

Some investigations have been commenced into contagious ? pleuro-
pneumonia in goats.

The atoxyl and arsenic treatment of surra in the horse has been tested.
Neo. Salvarsan has been tried in the treatment of surra in the dog.
Some experiments have been made with hæmorrhagic septicæmia.


9. The sum paid into the treasury was Rs. 14,005-2-0 against
Rs. 15,078-15-0 last year. The decrease is due to the
free treatment of horses belonging to gariwalas and poor
persons who cannot afford to pay fees.


10. The demand for graduates is still very great, and though our classes
are far too large, we are unable to meet it. The scheme
put forward and sanctioned for providing means of in-
creasing the number of graduates from this college is being reconsidered, but
no decision has so far been arrived at. In the meantime we are keeping our
classes at about 60, which is too large.

The training in some of the subjects taught has been greatly hampered
by lack of accommodation. The want of a dissecting room has again been
very badly felt, and the results in the examination in this subject have not
been at all satisfactory. The laboratory building has also not been extended,
and the present accommodation is totally inadequate.


11.    The Principals and the translator's spare time has been occupied
in re-writing the text-book on Equine Medicine, which is
now in the press.

A new edition of "Principles of Horse Shoeing" has been published
by them during the year.

12.    I am glad to say that the prospects of veterinary assistants in the
Transport Department have been materially improved and may now attract
some men to that service.

13.    His Honour has selected a site for the new college, and plans and
estimates for the proposed buildings have been prepared and submitted to

14.    In order to stimulate the interest of the veterinary assistants and
to help them to improve their knowledge, a Veterinary Association has been
established during the year. At present the brunt of the work connected with
it has fallen on the college staff, but it is hoped that things may improve in
this direction. It has been decided to publish a quarterly journal in the ver-
nacular in connection with association.

15.    As usual the staff have worked loyally and well, and I think take
some pride in the progress of the institution. I am glad to say that Raja
Ghulam Hussain Khan, one of our old teachers, has at last been rewarded for
his services by the grant of the personal distinction of Khan Sahib.