20. One hundred and sixty specimens were received and examined
by the Chief Superintendent, and 85 and 269 by the Superintendents, North
and South Punjab, respectively. Specimens of blood-sucking flies and ticks
were collected and forwarded to Pusa.

The Chief Superintendent hopes that in the future veterinary assistants
will know more about the flies and ticks in the province than they do at
present. After the inspection of hospitals short lectures have been given to
the men, and they are becoming acquainted with the different species It is
hoped that next year the areas showing the different species of flies will be
mapped out.

All the important tonga lines in the province were inspected.

                                      (2) OTHER DISEASES.

Table IV.

21. During the year 9,948 villages were visited by the veterinary staff
on tour, and 63,416 animals were treated.

22.    Two thousand two hundred and sixty-eight castrations were per-
formed against 1,059 last year. Although there is a marked increase, but yet it is
insufficient. Cattle-breeding will never improve until a large number of
castrations are performed

23.    The Chief Superintendent has observed during his tour that cows
are being served by imperfectly emasculated bulls and by immature young

He has also observed these animals preventing a good bull from cover-
ing. Itinerating veterinary assistants have been told to explain to the people
how all this causes harm and losses to owners. They have been informed that
a much larger number of animals not up to bull standard must be castrated,

                                  VETERINARY HOSPITALS.

Table V.

24.    At the close of the year there were 113 hospitals in the province
at which 270,889 cases were treated against 109 hospi-
tals and 241,291 cases in past year. This is very satisfac-
tory increase, and indicates the growing popularity of the institution,

25.    At present there are 86 veterinary hospitals on approved plans.
The Chief Superintendent is glad to say that after a little persuasion a new
veterinary hospital is being built at Amritsar. He has to thank Mr. J.
Addison for his kind help in the matter.

26.    A well has been sunk by contributions collected by the district board
and zaildars in the compound of the Phillaur hospital. Applications from
zamindars for veterinary hospitals are being continually received. The Chief
Superintendent's intention is to get more help by persuading people to subscribe
towards the buildings of veterinary hospitals.

27.    Goushalas have been visited by the department and advice

28.    The only income is from fees which amounts to Rs. 18,489 against
Rs. 16,450 last year. This is a satisfactory increase. The Department is not a
commercial one, and what should be remembered is the amount of good done to
the sick and lame animals, belonging to the poor, free of charge.

29.    All cruelty cases arrested by the Inspector, R S. P. C. A., on the
Pathankot-Dalhousie line are treated at the veterinary hospitals. A great
number were also seized and sent to hospitals by the Superintendents of the De-
partment for treatment. This Department has done a great deal more during
the year to alleviate the suffering of the dumb animals than the outside public
can imagine.

30.    The Simla veterinary hospital is doing good work, and is self-
supporting. Veterinary Assistant Ghulam Hussain deserves great praise for
his work. During the year the income was Rs. 5,644. After deducting all
expenses, Rs. 3,250 were credited to the provincial revenues.