Table XII.

39. The expenditure on feed and keep of stallions
has increased, which is due to the extra cost of fodder.

                                  FAIRS AND SHOWS.

Tables XIII and XIV.

40. The statistical informations regarding fairs and shows is supplied
by the districts concerned,—see Tables XIII and XIV.

Horse shows.

Horse shows were held in six districts during the

Imperial medals, which were awarded last year at Delhi, Karnal,
Ambala and Gurdaspur, were discontinued on the abolition of the Inspector-
General of the Civil Veterinary Department.

Cattle fairs.

Cattle fairs were held in 19 districts. Most of the important shows
were attended by an officer of the Department.

                        OTHER BREEDING OPERATIONS.

41.    Out of the balance of 10 merino rams reported in paragraph 24
of the last year's report, 4 still remain.

Eight merino rams and 25 ewes were imported during the year and sent
to Kangra. The rams were distributed as follows :—

3 in Kangra, and
5 in Kulu.

Merino sheep-breeding now looks more promising. The sheep-owners
have been shown what is necessary. Those who opposed have now been

Sheep-breeding has been taken up by Hissar, Ferozepore and Montgomery
districts. The Hissar district board has introduced the Bikaneri breed. In
Ferozepore district the Mamdot Estate has started a flock of Bikaner, and
mated them with two half-bred merino rams. The half-bred merino rams
were on show at the Jalalabad fair and were generally liked by the people.
The Abohar tahsil have now purchased some from the Government Cattle
Farm, Hissar.

Arrangements have been made for trying Bikaner rams in the Mont-
gomery district.

                        Part IV.—Subordinate establishment.

42.    The establishment of subordinates at the end of the year was 190
as detailed below:—

Veterinary Inspectors.........


Veterinary Assistants, 1st grade... ... ...


Veterinary Assistants, 2nd grade... ... ...


Veterinary Assistants, 3rd grade... ... ...


This is an increase of 6 men over the previous year. The Department
is still in need of more men. The appointment of deputy superintendents
and more veterinary inspectors and of assistants is now being considered.

Lectures on breeding have been given to veterinary assistants, as a
great deal more will be done by the Department in the future.

Veterinary Inspector Kotu Ram has worked with great energy and
zeal. Veterinary Inspectors Fazal Haq, Talib Ali and Janki Nath deserve
mention. The veterinary assistants on the whole have worked well. A num-
ber of them require to read and keep up to date. Professional books and litera-
tures have been supplied to them for this purpose. A few of the most back-
ward and lazy ones have been sent to the Hissar Farm for 3 months' to improve

The system of examining Veterinary Assistants during the year has had
a beneficial effect.