ON THE


                                       For the year 1913-14


                        COLONEL PEASE, C.I.E., PRINCIPAL.


1 The only changes in the teaching staff during the year were that
Mr. S. H. Graiger returned from sick leave and took over
charge of the contagious disease ward from Major G. K.
Walker, C.I.E., who was posted as post-graduate professor. Mr. Pool, one
of the officers under training, was transfereel to Behar and Orissa in January

2. None of the extra veterinary establishment, sanctioned in May
1912, has been entertained so far, as there is no work for them at present.


3. The summer session commenced on the 20th April 1913, and closed
on 20th June 1913. The winter session commenced at the
beginning of October 1913, and closed at the end of
March 1914.


4. Fifty-five students were admitted on the 20th April 1913, and formed
the first year class. There were 60 students in the second
and 57 in the third year classes. The newly-admitted
students came from —

Indian cavalry regiments



... 27

Army remount department



... 2

Imperial service troops




... 3

Native states




... 3

Central provinces



United provinces of Agra and Oudh



... 2

Punjab district boards




... 6

Private students



. ...

Baluchistan agency




... 1

Of these 21 had passed the middle and 4 the entrance examinations.

5.    The military students are admitted under paragraph 68 et seq of
Army Regulations India, Volume VIII.

6.    The demand for admission to the college is very great, and the task
of selecting the few private students we can accommodate is a most unplea-
sant one as so many good men have to be refused admission.

Examination results.

7.    In June 1913 one final year student, who had been remanded for
three months, passed the final examination. Fifty-five
appeared in the first year examination, and 51 or 92.72

per cent. passed Sixty were examined in the second year, of which 56 or 93.3
per cent passed Fifty-seven of the final year class were examined by the
board of examiners in April, and 52 or 91.22 per cent. obtained the diploma

8.    The results of the examination were most satisfactory, the percent-
age of passes is high and there is considerable improve nent over last year.

9 One of the failures in the first year's class has been returned to his
regiment; all the other failures are remanded for a year.

Other classes.

10. Besides the ordinary work of teaching students 23 transport dress-
ers were trained during the summer vacation. There
were also 15 men in the farriers class and all of them
passed the examination.