
46.    A separate report on sheep breeding has already been submitted, and
special endeavours are being made to improve this industry. As recommended
in the chief superintendent's separate report more merinos are required.

                                         Fairs and shows.

47.    The statistical information regarding fairs and shows is incor-
porated in Tables XIII and XIV. Horse shows were held in 5 districts during
the year, and cattle fairs in 17 districts. The important fairs were attended
by the officers of the department.

                     Part IV.—Subordinate establishment.

48.    The strength of the subordinate establishment at the close of the
year stood at 191 as detailed below:—

Veterinary inspectors ...




Veterinary assistants, 1st grade




Ditto, 2nd „




Ditto, 3rd „







49.    Government has sanctioned three posts of deputy superintendents
from April 1st, 1914, but has negatived the proposal of posting two veterinary
assistants per tahsil, and while doing so has suggested that any increase
beyond one veterinary assistant per tahsil must be justified on the merits of
each case separately, and then His Honour will have no hesitation in sanction-
ing the necessary addition to the cadre of veterinary assistants.

As some generous Indians have given free land and buildings, govern-
ment has been asked to sanction three more veterinary assistants for these
places, viz., Ram Das, Sangowal, and Attari.

                  Part V.—Expenditure on the department.

50.    The total expenditure incurred from all sources is contained in.
Table XIV-A received from the Accountant-General, Punjab.

                            Part VI.—General remarks.

51.    The subordinates with few exceptions worked well, and the chief
superintendent appreciates their endeavours in carrying out orders.

52.     Veterinary inspectors Barkat Ali and Talib Ali have been
specially energetic in dealing with cattle-breeding.

53.    The work of the department has greatly increased, as superinten-
dents and subordinates are now dealing with the people individually, which
increases confidence. Circulars, as stated before, are of little use. Ocular
demonstrations are the best.

Grazing grounds in the province require more attention, and efforts
should be made to improve and preserve them They require ploughing up
and good grass sown. The present state of these areas does not allow grass to
grow to any extent because they are too hard and uneven, with the result that very
little grass grows in the high portions and rank grass grows in the low lying.
Kiaries are necessary to improve matters. The best grass to be sown is Anjan
or Dhaman, Pennisetum cenchroides. The kiari system has been demon-
strated to zamindars. Camping-grounds should be improved in this manner. The
chief superintendent has also supplied small quantities of seed for experiment.

Mr. Geo. Taylor, superintendent in the south Punjab, has worked hard
throughout the year and the chief superintendent's thanks are due to him for
his assistance.

The work of the clerical staff is satisfactory.