9. Hospital.—The average number of cases dressed daily was 64—
            13 mules were castrated.
            66 cattle were castrated,

Inoculations of 1,321 cattle were effected against rinderpest, hœmorrha-
gic septicœmia and black-quarter. During the year the Veterinary Staff of
the Hospital was changed. Veterinary Assistant Ghulam Hussain being
promoted to Farm Overseer, and Veterinary Assistant Muhammad Ashfaq
being promoted to Veterinary Inspector and transferred. A good deal of the
Farm Veterinary work is of rather a special nature, and the loss of these two
experienced men has been severely felt.

The Farm has always been an unpopular post among Veterinary Assist-
ants, as the work is heavy: free quarters are not provided, and there is no
compounder. Up to recently in consideration of. the above facts, Veterinary
Assistants received a local allowance of Rs. 10 a month. The abolition of
this allowance last year by Government has not tended to make the post
any more popular. There have been several changes in Veterinary Assistants
since the transfers mentioned above, and much of my own time and that of
the new Farm Overseer has been occupied in training freshly appointed
Veterinary Assistants.

Feroze Din, Veterinary Assistant of the Punjab Cadre, was attached
to the Hospital for a period of training in dressing cases, handling and casting
stock, isolations, etc.

A new Hospital building is urgently required, and plans and estimates
have been prepared and forwarded for sanction.

10.    Workshop and machinery.—The only important addition to the
machinery was an 8-H. P. Marshall's Traction Engine, which arrived in parts
in June. The parts were successfully assembled by the Farm Fitter and Head
Blacksmith, and the engine was used to complete the threshing of the oats
crop after the rains.

By its means also the threshing and bruising machinery was transported
5 miles to Sally and used for threshing there.

Threshing can now be carried out much more economically than when
every seer of crop had to be carried to the site of the old stationary engine.
The engine is also capable of being used for steam ploughing and harrowing,
but at present we have no suitable plough for use with it.

The cart wheels made in the workshop with iron naves, on the transport
wheel pattern, are proving cheaper and more durable than ordinary country

11.    The filling of the post of Deputy Superintendent, vacant since
December 1909, has made an increase in general supervision possible: by which
all departments of the Farm, and especially the cultivation, have profited.

During the year in addition to one Veterinary Assistant on the
Punjab Cadre—

      S. Kartar Singh of the Punjab Agricultural Department,
      Mr. S. K. Mitra, Deputy Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department,
      Mr. B. N. Das Gupta, Veterinary Inspector, Civil Veterinary Depart-
            ment, Bengal, and
      Mr. M. S. Chowdri, Veterinary Inspector, Civil. Veterinary Depart-
            ment, Bengal,

were posted to the Farm for periods of training.

Captain Morris as Deputy Superintendent and M. Ghulam Hussain
as Farm Overseer have both worked satisfactorily in their new positions.

The work of the office has been satisfactory.