relapse. Colonel Farmer very kindly sent in some horses for the Mallein test
and the test was further carried out on suspicious cases sent into hospital. The
tuberculin test was applied in a few cases. Practically all the contagious disea-
ses were shown to the students in the contagious ward.

The Jail and Vaccine Depôt animals, as well as the Post Office dâk horses,
were inspected at intervals.


14. The new College was formally opened in December last by His
Excellency the Viceroy. The new buildings are now near-
ly all ready, and it is hoped that the furnishing will be
completed during the year. They are proving most convenient and well-
arranged. The scheme for the new hostel is at present held up, and we are
making use of the old Press building to accommodate some of the students. The
buildings are not very suitable for the purpose, but we have done what we can
to make them habitable. We are much handicapped by the want of a play-
ground for our students who find it very difficult to get sufficient exercise. I
think we are worse off than any other college in Lahore in this respect.

It is probable that more stables will have to be provided to accommodate
the " Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals " cases, which have increased
considerably in number of late. Temporary accommodation has been provided
for these at present.


15. A new addition of the text book on "Soundness and Age " has been
brought out during the year by the Principal.

Punjab Veterinary Asso-

16. This association has had a successful year and is in a flourishing
condition. The journal has appeared regularly and has
been much appreciated.


17. The staff have, as usual, done excellent work during the year. The
new Imperial officers have both passed the language exa-
mination, and have neglected no opportunity to improve
their knowledge of the diseases met within the country and of the college

Mr. Taylor was deputed to the Central Research Institute, Kasauli,
for study during the last summer vacation and benefitted greatly by the experi-
ence gained there. As the result of his deputation, the anti-rabic treatment of
dogs has been started experimentally here, and Mr. Taylor is again spending his
vacation at Kasauli to further discuss and study the subject there. The study
of rabies in animals is of considerable importance both to us and to the medi-
cal profession, so that mutual co-operation between us is very desirable. There
are, no doubt, many matters in which we can co-operate to our mutual
advantage. Mr. Pool spent the last summer vacation at the Imperial Bacterio-
logical Laboratory at Muktesar, and also derived much benefit from the opportu-
nities for study available there. It was hoped that the diagnosis of dourine
might have been worked out by the complement fixation test which has been
well reported on in America. As is well known the microscopical demonstra-
tion of the tryponosoma equiperdum in affected horses is very frequently un-
successful so that the disease is difficult to stamp out. This is of importance
as dourine is now very prevalent in Baluchistan and some cases have occurred
in the Punjab. Of the remainder of the European staff Mr. E. Burke, Profes-
sor of Surgery, has, I am glad to say, been granted an extension of service.

The old Indian Professors have continued to do excellent work, and the
younger teachers have shown themselves to be very keen and give promise of
becoming successful teachers.

The Translator, Lala Prabhu Lal, has been kept busy and has added con-
siderably to veterinary vernacular literature. My thanks are due to the whole
of the staff for their cordial co-operation in the work during the year.

Outside assistance.

18. We have received assistance from the Chief Superintendent of the
Civil Veterinary Department, Colonel Farmer, from Mr. R.
Branford, Superintendent of the Government Cattle Farm
at Hissar, and from Mr. Cross, the Camel Specialist, to whom our best thanks
are tendered.