work at the present time, I have not yet made out the scheme required. The
necessity for the hospital will not be marked until next year when the first
four years' class of the four years' course comes into being. The matter will
now be taken up and proposals submitted.


8. Rupees 18,040-4-3 were realized as income against Rs. 16,603-2
last year. The outstandings on 31st March 1917 were only
Rs. 1,521-8. Notwithstanding monthly reminders and
final notices being issued, from time to time, many of the debts remained still
outstanding. Those irrecoverable are cancelled as bad debts and others are being
reported to Director of Agriculture and Industries, Punjab, for realization.

Demand for graduates.

9. The demand for graduates has continued to be as great as ever,
and as usual, the supply is totally inadequate to meet it.
I feel it my duty to once again advocate the establish-
ment of a second vernacular veterinary college. No province can be
expected to find all the funds necessary for this purpose, but the matter is
really to a very large extent an Imperial one.


10. Work in the laboratory is making good progress, and a considerable
amount of material has been sent in for examination
during the year. Anti-rabic inoculation of dogs and
horses bitten by rabid animals has been continued during the winter with good
results, and some experimental work has also been carried out in this direction.
A number of horses have been sent in to be kept under observation for the
diagnosis of dourine.

The treatment of surra in the horse has been continued experimentally,
and larger doses of arsenious acid than those prescribed by Holmes have been
found to be indicated. The results of the treatment with these large doses have
been very good indeed.

Much greater use than in previous years has been made of the labora-
tories for the training of students. The class for practical histology was held
during the winter session for the second years' class of the four years' course.
The third year class of the three year's course was given practical training in
the use of the microscope, the examination of fresh and stained specimens from
common contagious diseases, as well as in the preparation of smears and the
collection of material for examination. Animals were subjected to ordinary
test inoculations where opportunity offered. The Jail and Vaccine DepĂ´t
animals were examined at intervals during the year.


11. The scheme for the new hostel is at present hung up for want of
funds, but we have done what is possible to render the old
Press Building's more comfortable by partitioning them off
and furnishing them. The accommodation is, however, not satisfactory, and I
am looking forward to the time when a proper hostel can be provided and
the students can be kept under better control. We are still much handicapped
by the want of a play ground for the students who find it difficult to get
sufficient exercise.

Taxt books.

12. I have written and published a text book on the contagious diseases
of animals with a catechism in Urdu for students and
passed men, and Mr. Pool has taken in hand the prepara-
tion of a text-book on contagious diseases and laboratory methods in English
for the Post-Graduate Class.

Punjab Veterinary As-

13. The Punjab Veterinary Association has had a
successful year, and is in a flourishing condition. The
Journal has appeared regularly and has been much


14. The staff has, as usual, done excellent work during the year.
Mr. Taylor was again deputed to the Central Research
Institute at Kasauli for study during the summer vacation,
and had the opportunity of further benefitting by the experience he was able
to gain there. Mr. E. Burke, I.S.O., has, I am glad to say, been granted an