

20. Rabies has been prevalent during the year as usual, and will con-
tinue to spread until a dog-tax is levied throughout the
country. The outbreaks can very often be traced to
owners of bitches allowing them to run loose when in season, which causes a
large number of dogs to collect and follow them ; the dogs in their ambition to
serve the bitches fight with each other : and in this way the disease is spread.
The levying of a tax on dogs, and the destruction of ownerless dogs which
wander about in cities, villages, and railway stations seems necessary. This
would not only reduce the number of rabies cases, but would prevent the spread
of various other diseases

                                       Veterinary Hospitals.

Number of hospitals.—
Table V.

21. At the end of the year there were 122 hospitals against 121 the pre-
vious year. The additional hospital was generously built
by Mirza Shuja Beg at Patti in the Lahore District. He
also presented medicines and some instruments. The Dera
Ghazi Khan and Gujranwala hospitals have been improved by the addition of
stables. The operation shed at the Dalhousie hospital has been built by the
1/5 Devons in memory of their Commanding Officer. A temporary hospital
has been built in Dharmsala. Besides the above, the Chief Superintendent
has to thank the following Indian gentlemen for their help :—

Mian Jumiat Singh, Extra Assistant Commissioner, who has collected about
Rs. 18,000 for a hospital which is being built at Adampur in Jullundur District.
This gentleman is also arranging to have another hospital built at Shahkot on
the same lines. Zamindars' quarters have been built at Taran Tarn by Zaildar
Boor Singh of that place.

A hospital is being built by the Hon'ble Lieutenant-Colonel Raja Jai
Chand, C.S.I., at Lambagraon in Kangra District. A dispensary consisting of
a room for medicines and instruments, and another for the Veterinary Assistant
to live in has been built by Tumandar S. Ghulam Husain of Sori Lund at
Amdani in the Dera Ghazi Khan District. A hospital is being built by Lala
Lachhmi Narain at Beri in the Rohtak District. In the hospitals of the
Province 334,577 cases were treated during the year against 316,686 in the
previous year.

                        Part III.—Breeding Operations.

                        HORSE AND MULE-BREEDING.

Number of stallions.—
Table X

22. At the close of the year there were 67 horses and 76 donkey stal-
lions in the non-selected districts of the Province. The
following were the changes during the year :—






... 1




... 1





... 2






... 5






... 3





... 5

.All the horses have been purchased by the Quartermaster-General, and
the donkeys were obtained from the Hissar Farm. The Province is eight horses
and two jacks below the sanctioned strength. These will be purchased when
funds permit and the animals are available. There is still much improvement
necessary in the keeping of covering registers ; until zaildars, lambardars and
patwaris are made to report foalings the registers will remain incomplete.
Deputy Commissioners have been consulted and the matter is being dealt