Cattle breeding.

Stud bulls.-Table VIII.

3. At the close of the year there were 993 bulls at work in the
Province, against 893 in the preceding year. There were
116 casualties (cast and died) and 216 additions during the
year. The Hissar Farm supplied 201 bulls during the year, and three Dhanni
bulls were purchased and supplied to Ferozepore District. The demand for
Hissar bulls is yearly increasing, and the people show their appreciation of this
animal by subscribing one-quarter or one-half of the price. The
Hissar Farm this year complied with the indent in full. The stock produced
by these bulls is generally very good, but in a few cases some of the calves are
not up to the standard expected. This is generally due to careless supervision
by the owner. The Department is doing its utmost to explain to the people
the necessity of careful supervision of young animals. The Chief Superintendent
is writing a pamphlet in which every point will be explained in as simple and
practical a form as possible to enable zamindars to thoroughly understand
what is necessary. Regarding the four cattle-breeding farms in the Lower
Bari Doab Colony a separate note will be written later.

Castrations.—Table IV.

24. The Department has still continued to do its utmost in castrating
all undesirable males. During the year 36,908 castrations
have been performed on tour and 13,219 in hospitals.

Sheep breeding.

25. Forty-one three-quarter bred merino rams were issued by the Hissar
Farm to various districts of the Province.
Owing to the prevalence of disease and the short-
age of staff the Department was unable to deal with sheep-breeding as fully
as is necessary. Mr. Quirke, however, did an extensive tour in the Simla
District during which he inspected a large number of sheep and gave advice
where necessary. Two locally bred, pure bred merino rams were issued in the
Kangra District.

Fairs and Shows.

26. The statistical information regarding fairs and shows is incorp-
orated in Tables XIII and XIV. Horse fairs were
held in 6 districts and cattle fairs in 19 districts.
The following statement shows the number of horse and cattle fairs and shows
attended by the officers of this Department:—

Attending officer.

Horse fairs
or shows.

Cattle fairs
or shows.


Chief Superintendent ...



Four horse fairs on
behalf of the Army
Remount Depart-

Superintendent, North Punjab ...



Superintendent, South Punjab...



Three horse fairs on
behalf of the Army

Deputy Superintendent ...



Remount Depart-

Officer under training ...



Three horse fairs on
behalf of the Army
Remount Depart-

The remaining horse and cattle fairs were attended by the Veterinary
Inspectors of this Department.

                  Part IV.—Subordinate Establishment.

Numerical strength.—
Table VII.

27. The total strength of the subordinate veterinary staff remained
the same as last year. The actual number working during
the year was :—

Veterinary Inspectors



... 17

Veterinary Assistants



... 143