Four cows were sold to Nepal State (two of the Sahiwal breed) and three
to the United Provinces.

Heifers.—One hundred and seventy-five very good quality animals were
transferred to cows,

Seven were sold to the United Provinces,

Six were sold to the Mona Depôt,

One hundred and thirty were sold to private breeders.

Bullocks —Sixty-seven were issued to the Army Department. More
were available, but were not required.

Two were sold privately.

In connection with the complaints made by the Military Department
with reference to farm bullocks, issued in February 1915, it may be worthy of
note that a pair of bullocks rejected by the Military Committee, which passed
the animals for the service in 1915, have recently been sold for Rs. 500 ;
Rs 50 more per bullock than the Army Department pays.

Castrated -produce.—Eighteen young stock were sold to the Military
Farms Department.

Mules.—Twenty-three Ordnance, eight Machine Gun, and no Transport
mules were issued to the Army Remount Department.

Four mules rejected by the Army Remount Department were sold
privately at Rs. 400 each.

Two Transport class mules were sold privately for Rs. 300 each ; Rs. 50
per animal above army prices.

Pony mares.—Eighty-four mule-breeding mares were present at the
end of the year, and 38 full-time foals were born. The percentage of births
would have been good but for contagious abortion.

Arabs.—During the year a scheme for the breeding of Arab stallions
on the farm was submitted to Government ; up to date formal sanction has
not been received, but three mares from the Ahmednagar Stud were received from
the Army Remount Depôt on 11th January 1917. Later, as Colonel Farmer
did not consider the Hissar District Board stallion of sufficiently good quality,
the Director-General of the Army Remount Department very kindly lent the
farm the Imperial Arab stallion "Gunboat". '' Gunboat " arrived at Hissar on
25th February 1917. The mares have done well since their arrival, and
"Gunboat" is an exceptionally fine horse. If two or three more mares can be
obtained this year the scheme may be considered to have made a promising

Donkey stallions.—One stallion " Calcutta " died during the year. He
was 23 years old and had been a splendid stock-getter.

One stallion " Hindustan " was added ; he is farm-bred. His measure-
ments are :—

13", 55½" girth, 71/4" shank.

One donkey stallion was supplied to the Army Remount Department.

Donkey colts.—Five were issued to Punjab District Boards.

Four were issued to the Army Remount Department.

Donkey Mares.—Fifty-four full-time foals were born. Donkey stock
continue to show very encouraging improvement.

Shoep.—The parasitic "Gastro-Enteritis" mentioned in my last report,
continued to give trouble till the rains began. The disease was kept in check
by drenching affected flocks with copper sulphate and mustard.