account of a decrease in deaths from rinderpest, but the deaths due to foot and
mouth disease and to blackquarter were more than double those recorded in

5. The number of veterinary hospitals in the province increased by five
and is now 127. The increasing value and popularity of these institutions
will appear from the fact that the total number of animals treated during the
year was over 360,000 against an average of 146,000 in the quinquennium
ending in 1910 and only 30,000 in the quinquennium ending in 1905. The
construction of a veterinary hospital is an appropriate object of private muni-
ficence and Sir Michael O'Dwyer commends for emulation by other public
spirited gentlemen the example of Lala Lachhmi Narayan who has built a new
hospital at Beri and that of the progressive inhabitants of Adampur who are
themselves building a hospital for their village.

6. The department is steadily working for the improvement of cattle
breeding and there are now 1,087 stud bulls at work in the province, an
increase of nearly 10 per cent. on the figures for last year. The majority of
additions during the year were Hissari bulls, the popularity of the Dhanni bull
being more or less restricted to the districts nearest to its home.

7.    The Hissar cattle farm suffered seriously from the excessive monsoon
rains of 1917 and the consequent severe visitations of blackquarter, foot and
mouth disease, hæmorrhagic septicæmia and rinderpest. Surra made its first
appearance in the farm and is suspected to have spread from some of the camels
of the 2nd Government CamelCorps. The Lieutenant-Governor concurs in the
commendation bestowed by the Chief Superintendent on Mr. Rranford for his
management of the farm. The farm showed a profit of Rs. 43,181 on the year.
This marked improvement was due to a large number of births during the year
and to the marketing of animals and of fodder at a higher rate. The improve-
ment would no doubt have been even greater but for the loss caused by the
unprecedented sickness. Among the most noteworthy features of the year's
working should be mentioned the disposal of 100 cows at Rs. 300 each to a
representative of the Brazilian Government, the distribution of 206 bulls to
Punjab District Boards, a higher number than in any previous year, and the
realization of Rs. 3,123 for wool, the quality of which drew special commenda-
tion from the Cawnpore Woollen Mills, Ltd. The substantial addition which
has been made to the fodder reserve is also satisfactory especially in view of the
present year's shortage.

8.    Colonel Farmer, C.I.E., has administered the department through-
out the year with his usual vigour and ability. The Veterinary Department
has made remarkable progress year by year under his efficient and sympathetic
control. The Lieutenant-Governor desires to acknowledge the excellent work
done by him and the other officers of the department in spite of the extra
burden of work which has been thrown upon them by the shortage of staff and
by the prevalence of an unusual amount of sickness throughout the year.

                                                               H. D. CRAIK,

                                       Revenue Secretary to Government, Punjab.

                                 1544 CS-322-5-10-18—SG P Lahore.