Of the 26 Punjabi Civilians, for the 4 years' course, 6 were Entrance
passed and 5 Entrance failed, all the rest had certificates of the 4th high
class or Anglo-Vernacular Middle School examination. All military students
are admitted under paragraphs 68 et seq. of Army Regulations, India, Volume

Post-Graduate Course.

3. Owing to the War and to the absence of the Post-Graduate Professor
on military service, the Post-Graduate Class was
held in abeyance.

Examination results.

4. In the first year class of the 4 years' course 28 were examined and
24 passed, an average of 85.71 per cent. Two
failed in one subject only and, having obtained
50 per cent. of marks, are eligible for examination in June next. All the
4 who failed were transferred to the 3 years' course as unfit for the higher

In the first year class for the 3 years' course 51 students appeared
and 40 passed, average 78.43 per cent. Eight failed in one subject only and
will be examined again in June. Of the 3 remaining 1 military student
having failed twice and 1 failing badly, were struck off and 1 was remanded
for another year.

In the second year class of the 4 years' course 29 appeared, 1 being
unable to appear on account of sickness. Of these 25 passed, an average of 86.2
per cent. Three men having failed twice were struck off and 1 was remanded
to 3 years' course.

In the second year class of the 3 years' course, 42 appeared, 1 being
absent on account of sickness. Of these 35 passed, an average of 83.3
per cent. One man failed in one subject only and will be re-examined in
June. One having failed twice was struck off and 5 were remanded for
another year.

In the 3rd year class of the 4 years' course, 19 candidates were
examined and 18 passed, average 94.73 per cent. The student who failed was
transferred to the 3 years' course.

The Final year class of the 3 years' course consisted of 45 students
who all appeared before the Board of Examiners. Of these 36 passed and
obtained the Diploma, average 80 per cent. Five failed in one subject only,
obtained over 50 per cent. aggregate and will be re-examined by the President
of the Board in June next.

At the examination held in June 1917, 1 student who had failed to
pass the final examination in April 1917 was examined again, but failed to
satisfy the President of the Board and was remanded for another year. Of the
4 students of the second year class (3 years' course) who were examined, 3
passed and were promoted to the next higher class, and 1 having failed twice
was remanded to his regiment. In this class 2 students of the 4 years' course
were examined and passed and were consequently promoted to the 3rd year
class of 4 years' course.

Of the 8 students of the first year class, in 3 years' course, who were
examined, 7 passed and were promoted. One failed and was remanded. In
this class 2 students of the 4 years' course were also examined and passed.

I consider that the results of the examinations are very satisfactory.

Other classes.

5. Fourteen dressers were trained during
the vacation.

Fifty-four military men were trained as nalbands during the year.


6. The practice in the horse hospital was normal, 1,157 equine in-
door patients being treated against 1,160 and
1,425 out-door against 1,428 last year.

There was an increase in the number of cattle in-door patients, 160
against 87 last year. Cattle out-door patients numbered 1,021 against 1,018
last year.