Much greater use is now being made of the laboratories for the training
of 3 years' course students. The practical training in the use of the mi-
croscope, the examination of fresh and stained specimens from common con-
tagious disease, etc., as well as in the preparation of smears and the collection
of material for examination is now carried out.

There is likewise a class in Practical Histology for the second years' class
and a course in Elementary Pathology for the Final year's class of the 4
years' course.


11. The museum has been placed in the charge of Karam Ellahi,
Assistant Professor in the Post-Graduate Course.
Much work has been done in it during the year.
My best thanks are due to those officers who have sent specimens, especially to
the officers of the Army Remount Department who have so kindly sent us the
mouths of old horses of known age.

General results.

12. The general results of the year's working may be considered to be
very good. The standard of education is gradual-
ly rising. The percentage of passes is higher
than usual. The income has increased and the practice been maintained.

As results of the improvement of the graduates turned out it is satisfac-
tory to note that increased pay and improved prospects are now offered in the
Army Remount Department and the Army Transport Department and that a
subordinate Indian Veterinary Department has been sanctioned for the Army.
Pay has also been increased in the Civil Veterinary Department of some pro-
vinces. Punjab has not moved in this direction. Increased pay and prospects
should have the effect of inducing better men to come forward for training.

New Hostel.

13. The scheme for the new hostel is still hung up for want of funds
and the present is not a time to undertake the
work. The provision of a play-ground for our
students is, however, another matter and some progress has been made in
the scheme for providing it. The question of sufficient healthy exercise for
our students is an important one and they should, I think, be provided with
a play-ground as soon as possible.

The year has been an unhealthy one, fever and dysentery being rife
among the students. The medical officer in charge of the hostel carried out
his duties in a very satisfactory manner.

Punjab Veterinary Associotion.

14. The association has again had a successful year and is in a flourish-
ing condition. The Journal has been con-
siderably improved and is a very valuable contri-
bution to the vernacular veterinary literature of the country. It is much
appreciated and has a considerable sale. Much credit is due to the Editor,
Haq Nawaz Khan, and the Secretary of the Society, Ghulam Rasul Khan, who
have worked hard and gratuitously in the interests of the association.


15. The whole of the staff have as usual worked remarkably well
and loyally and the results achieved are due
chiefly to the assistance they have rendered.
Mr. Taylor has done excellent work and is a very promising officer of good
scientific attainment and sound common sense. Mr. E. Burke, I.S.O., has
again, I am glad to say, been granted an extension of service. The quality
of the services he has rendered are well known to Government and have been
recognized by them. The Indian Professors have worked well and the
Assistant Professors are keen, hard working, are making excellent progress
and promise to make valuable teachers. The work of improving the text-
books has been continued and the Translator, Lala Prabhu Lal, has been
kept hard at work. To the whole of the staff my best thanks are due for their
loyal service and cordial co-operation in the work.