Review on the Annual Report of the Punjab Veterinary
College, Civil Veterinary Department, Punjab, and
the Government Cattle Farm, Hissar, for the year

The Punjab Veterinary College.—Steady progress has
been made in all spheres of the work of the Veterinary De-
partment. The new scale of pay offered to men who take
the diploma of L V. P. has resulted in far more applications
for admission to the Punjab Veterinary College with the
result that the Principal was able to make a careful selec-
tion of students for admission. It is interesting to note
that the reputation of the Punjab Veterinary College has
reached as far as Mysore from which place several students
were sent to the College for admission.

Every ward of the College shows an increase in the
number of cases treated both in regard to in-patients as well
as out-patients and the average daily attendance has risen
from 83.41 to 93.85.

Research work has also been carried on successfully
though despite strenuous efforts an efficient treatment for
surra has not yet been evolved. Colonel G. K. Walker's
and Mr. Taylor's investigations in regard to the control of
Foot and Mouth disease are likely to have far-reaching
results and are already being freely discussed in interested
circles in England.

3.   Colonel G. K. Walker held charge throughout the
year and has now proceeded on leave preparatory to retire-
ment. The Punjab Government (Ministry of Agriculture)
wishes to place on record its great appreciation of the value
of the work done in the College by Colonel Walker during
his long association with it. His keen interest in and valu-
able direction of the work of the College has made it an
institution which is comparable with any thing of the same
sort to be found in the world. Colonel Walker had previ-
ously for some eleven years been Chief Superintendent of
the Civil Veterinary Department in the Province, and his
energetic administration did much to give a work in the
field in the right direction during its infancy.

4.    Civil Veterinary Department.—The District Veteri-
nary work remained in the charge of Mr. Quirke, the Chief