Another interesting feature of the Principal's report
is the increase in the number of candidates nominated
by Indian States, as it indicates an awakening of the
States to the importance of having Veterinary Assistants
with a sound knowledge and training in Veterinary

At the close of the year under review the total
number of students in the four years' course for the
L. V. P. was 105 against 77 in the previous year.

Experiments were carried out by Col. Walker and Mr.
Taylor on the control of Foot and Mouth disease, by
injections of certain chemicals into the animal system.
It is hoped that further work will reveal some means
of controlling this disease which is the cause of very heavy
loss of farm stock in the Punjab. Work was also carried on
by the College staff with a view to discovering a satisfactory
treatment of surra in dogs.

As regards hospital work, the report shows an
increase in every ward; the average total daily attend-
ance of patients of the hospital being 93.85 in the year
under report, against 83.41 last year. This is an indica-
tion of the growing appreciation of the valuable work
done at this hospital, and of the popularity of the

I again note Colonel Walker's wish that his ap-
preciation of the work of the teaching, hospital and
clerical staff during the term in which he held office as
Principal, might be recorded in generous terms. He has
now gone on leave pending retirement and I wish to
express my own appreciation of the energy and driving
force which he put into his work in the interests of Veter-
inary education in the province.

                          (2) District Veterinary Work.

The divis on of the province into Veterinary Cir-
cles remained as last year, and the post of Chief Superin-
tendent was held by Mr. Quirke throughout the year.
Among the staff the most important change was the
transfer of Mr. Egan, formerly Assistant Superinten-
dent, Government Cattle Farm, Hissar, to Rawalpindi, as
Superintendent, North Punjab, owing, in the first place
to Mr. Brett, Superintendent of that Circle, taking leaveā€ž
and finally to his resignation. Mr. Egan held charge