It will be seen from the above statement that the
number of inoculations for Rinderpest rose from 77,513
in the previous year to 232,159 in the year under report;
also there was a considerable increase in the number of
inoculations for Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia. Great credit is
due to the district Veterinary staff for these achievements.

The Chief Superintendent views with concern the steadily
increasing demand for serum which has often to be used under
the most unfavourable circumstances, and he favours the
"Serum Simultaneous" method of inoculation (i. e., the
inoculation of serum on one side of the animal and virulent
blood on the other) as compared with the "Serum Alone"
method. Authorities consider that the former method gives
an immunity period of several months while the latter method
gives immunity for 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the dose;
but the 'Serum Simultaneous" method is said to be attended
by more risks. It seems to me that there is a great field for
useful research in the Punjab in connection with contagious
diseases and I am glad to say that Government has recognis-
ed this and has accorded administrative approval to the
appointment of a Research Veterinary Officer.

As regards contagious diseases among Equines, there
were a few additional cases of Glanders this year, and cases
of Surra amounted to 210 as against 73 in the previous
year. Surra was particularly prevalent in Mianwali,
Rohtak, Karnal and Lahore Districts, and in the Bias Bets.

Cattle-breeding work was carried on and developed on
the lines indicated in the previous year's report. After
allowing for casualties among herd-bulls during the year,
including the rejection of animals no longer fit for retention
on the list, the total number of approved herd-bulls in the
province was raised from 1,958 to 2,253.

The growing demand for the services of pedigree bulls
among poor zamindars is encouraging, and indicative of
good results already obtained. These results, together with
the very sound agricultural education which an increasing
number of the sons of ordinary farmers from all over the
province are receiving, and the propaganda work carried out
by the several departments concerned, is doing much to
convince farmers that it is more profitable to rear a good,
than a bad, animal; also to induce farmers to take that in-
creasing share in the provision of good bulls for herd pur-