with horse, mule and cattle-breeding, the investigation and
control of contagious diseases and inspection of veterinary
hospitals, etc.

3.     Every endavour is made to induce the staff to
keep up to date in their professional work, by closely scruti-
nising their methods of treatment as given in the hospital
records. This system of scrutiny and questioning of the
staff on their work is reckoned of very great importance
and is being extended as far as possible with our existing

It is undoubtedly having a very desirable effect in
raising the efficiency of our District Staff, many of whom
have learned to realise that as members of a technical
department they cannot give efficient service without a
knowledge of their profession.

4.     During the course of tours special attention is also
given to checking the work done by the subordinate staff
in the field. On suitable occasions lectures and demonstra-
tions are given to zamindars in connection with the control
of contagious diseases, and the improvement of the different
breeds of cattle in the province.

5.     District Officers and representative zamindars are
interviewed whenever possible on the veterinary require-
ments of their districts.

6.     The Chief Superintendent made regular inspections
of all the grantee dairy and cattle-breeding farms in the
province, visiting the Sohawa Laboratory and the Govern-
ment Cattle Farm, Hissar, as required. He acted as an
Examiner in Veterinary Medicine and Meat and Milk
Inspection at the Punjab Veterinary College, Lahore, for
the L. V. P. Examinations.

He made an extensive tour of the Dhanni Cattle Tract
in company with the Superintendent, North Punjab, he
also inspected the veterinary hospitals in the Delhi Pro-
vince and many other places outside the Central Punjab
Circle during the course of the year.

                                    Treatment of Disease.

                              I.—CONTAGIOUS DISEASE.

7. During the year under report 74,835 deaths from
contagious diseases were reported

Mortality.—Table II.

against 49,493 in the previous year.
Rinderpest was particularly rife this year throughout the