Lala Ram Rattan and the Accountant, B. Bhola Ram, both
of whom have laboured zealously to expedite the work of
the Department during this period of transition. Their
example has had a very excellent effect on the other members
of the clerical staff who have also had to undertake much
additional work before the necessary increase in establishment-
had been sanctioned by Government.

The Director wishes to record his appreciation of the
good work done by all the Deputy Superintendents. The
names of Khan Sahib M. Talib Khan and Khwaja Ghulam
Hassan deserve special mention for their untiring zeal and
energy shown during the year in furthering the cause of the

The Director's thanks are also due to Messrs. Garewal
and Egan for the efficient manner in which they managed
their resp ective circles in spite of the many changes which
took place during the year on account of the separation of
the Department from the Department of Agriculture.

The assistance given by District Officers to the officers
of all grades of this Department is gratefully acknowledged.

                                                        W. TAYLOR,
                                            Offg. Director, Veterinary
                                                            Services, Punjab.