that should a satisfactory method of tattooing be
evolved, the task of the cattle-thief may be rendered con-
siderably more difficult. In spite of economic depres-
sion the sales of stock for breeding purposes increased
in almost all sections during the year. out of the 91
dairy cows, whose lactation was recorded during the
year, only 27 produced less than 2,000 lbs. of milk; while
3 produced 4,000 one 5,000 and one 6,000. The Arab
horse-breeding section has been closed down. There has
been a certain amount of contagious abortion more par-
ticularly among goats, and an investigation into the
outbreak is in progress in collaboration with the staff
of the Veterinary College, Lahore. The expansion
scheme, which was undertaken some years ago, is now
complete in all important details with the result that
the farm is now for the first time self-supporting in
grain as well as in fodder. This result has been achieved
twelve months earlier than was expected. In future the
farm may be in a position to grow some paying crops
and derive revenue therefrom in order to reduce the
gap between income and expenditure Towards the
end of the year at the request of the Legislative Council
a committee was set up to investigate the affairs of the
farm from the economic point of view. Their report is
now under consideration. There can be no doubt that
this farm is doing most valuable work for the pro-

3. During the year the post of Live Stock Officer
was placed in abeyance as a measure of retrenchment
and the superintendence of breeding operations reverted
to Divisional Superintendents. District breeding work
can be considered under three heads:—

        (1)   grantee cattle farms;
        (2)   cattle breeding in special tracts;
        (3)   general breeding work in districts.

The grantee farms are all in the Lower Bari Doab
Colony and appear on the whole to be working satis-
factorily, though some are better than others. The
proprietor of the Jahangirabad Farm deserves credit
for undertaking a small buffalo herd at his own charges
in addition to the herd of Sahiwal cattle he is bound
to maintain under his conditions. On the two cattle
farms in the Khanewal tahsil which are devoted to the
Sahiwal breed, cows yielding over 4,000 lbs. of milk in