( 7 )

Services of donkey stallions—Table XI.

41. 9 donkey stallions were employed at the stud during the year, and
they covered 327 mares. The previous
year 7 donkeys covered 390 mares.

Cost of feed and keep—Table XII.

42. The average cost of the feed and keep of donkey stallions amounted
to Rs. 183-9-2 against Rs. 148-4-9
during 1904-05.

Syces trained.

43. Through the kindness of Captain Farmer syces from Bannu and
Kohat were deputed for a month to
Hissar for instruction.

                                             (3) Others.


44. It had been brought to my notice that some 40 years ago some

Merino sheep had been imported from
the Cape and placed in Kagan, Hazara
District, with the object of improving the quality of the wool. During a tour
in that locality I satisfied myself that the effects of the importation had been
productive of good results. The inhabitants of Kagan had appreciated the value
of the imported breed and expressed their anxiety to get some more animals as
the strain had practically died out.

It has finally been decided to purchase 6 Merino rams for Kagan,
and the Inspector-General, Civil Veterinary Department, is kindly making
arrangements to get them from Australia. It is probable that Australian
sheep will be found to be hardier than Cape sheep. If they prove a success, a
regular importation for some years is indicated.

                                 (4) Fairs and Shows.

Fairs and Shows—Tables XIII and XIV.

45. The combined Bannu and
Dera Ismail Khan Horse Show was
held in March at the latter place.

Rs. 1,000 and one silver medal were allotted from Imperial funds, of
which Rs. 614 were actually awarded.

A combined Horse and Cattle Show was inaugurated at Peshawar, and it
was very encouraging for a beginning. A grant of money in aid was given by
Government from the Agricultural grant, and, in addition, funds were allotted
by the districts of Peshawar and Kohat. I attended both shows and submitted
separate reports on them. A Cattle Show is to be started at Haripur in the
Hazara District next year, and an allotment of Rs. 500 from Government funds
has been made.

A schedule has been drawn up, and it is proposed to hold the show in


Numerical strength—Table VII.

46. During the year under report there were 2 Veterinary Inspectors
and 12 Veterinary Assistants employed.
The services of the unqualified man
referred to in last year's report were dispensed with.

Veterinary Inspectors.

47. The Veterinary Inspectors were appointed in May. They were
selected from the Punjab list and
seconded for employment in the North-
West Frontier Province.

These men have fully justified their appointment, and their time has
been very fully occupied. They have done good work in initiating and supervis-
ing inoculation work, and the work of the Veterinary Assistants generally has
much improved under their agency.