No. 1587/XI-840


         THE HON'BLE MR. H. R. C. HAILEY, I. C. S.,
                                                                         UNITED PROVINCES,

                                                                               NAINI TAL.

                                          Dated Lucknow, the 29th June 1915.


I have the honour to forward the report on the administration of the
Civil Veterinary department for the year ending 31st March 1915. With a full
supply of serum available the number of inoculations for rinderpest increased
from 54,937 to 74,050. The number of animals treated in the veterinary
hospitals rose from 56,467 to 67,802. While these increases are satisfactory
and indicate growing confidence on the part of owners of stock, it is necessary
for full benefit to be derived from the heavy expenditure by Government on
preventive inoculation that closer control should be exercised by the Civil
Veterinary department over the district staff. The same applies equally to the
veterinary hospitals. The work in both branches is highly technical and should
adequately be supervised by officers with the necessary training and knowledge.
The matter is under discussion with the district boards.

2.    The development of the operations of the department, which is clearly
set out in the report, will in future necessitate some changes in its organization.
It is proposed to divide the provinces into three circles with subordinate sub-circles
of which there will be a Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent in charge.
This will enable the superior officers of the department to supervise more
effectually district work and will bring them in closer touch with owners and
breeders of stock. It is hoped to bring part of the new scheme in force during the
current year.

3.    The new research laboratory at Lucknow was opened during the year
under report. It will supply a much felt need in providing a central station for
the investigation of animal disease and for giving additional training to the junior
members of the staff.

                                                           I have the honour to be,


                                                          Your most obedient servant,

                                                                 H. R. C. HAILEY,
