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                      V.—EXPENDITURE OF THE DEPARTMENT.

See table

53.    The cost of the department, according to the statement furnished by
the Accountant-General, shows an increase, viz. Rs. 1,44,961 against Rs. 1,40,785 in
the previous year. The increase is mainly due to the expansion of the department.

                                     VI.—GENERAL REMARKS.

54.    The work done during the year may be viewed, on the whole, as
satisfactory, and considerable progress has again been made in nearly all the
branches of the department which is rapidly expanding. Advancement in some
matters has been somewhat retarded on account of the war, more especially
in regard to providing a sufficient number of veterinary assistants. One
feature of the year's record has been the change in the organisation of the
superior and subordinate staff. A noticeable decrease in the prevalence of
contagious disease is very gratifying. Increased attention is being paid to the
training of the staff in the work of which a growing confidence is manifested by all
classes. Cattle breeding has made great strides during the past year and horse
breeding continues to make steady progress. Sheep-breeding experiments also
continue to give very satisfactory results. Veterinary hospitals and dispensaries
are becoming more numerous, and show an yearly increase in attendance as the
demand for veterinary help extends.

Some inconvenience is felt for want of suitable office accommodation. Plans
and proposals for a new office and laboratory building on the site adjoining the
experimental station at Badshahbagh were sanctioned but have not been carried
out owing to lack of funds.

55.    For rendering genuine assistance in the work of inoculation four
certificates have been awarded in the district of Cawnpore.

56.     I am indebted to Mr. C. W. Wilson, 2nd Superintendent, for the
assistance he has rendered me during an arduous year in the control of the
department and investigation of disease, and also to the three Deputy Superintend-
ents M. Niaz Muhammad, Mr. T. S Davies and S. M. Raza Husain, who have also
worked with great energy and conscientiousness. Good work has been done by
the office staff under the guidance of the head clerk Babu Srish Chandra

                                                          E. W. OLIVER, M.R.C.V.S., F.Z.S.,
                                           Superintendent, Civil Veterinary department,

                                                                                       United Provinces.