( 5 )

has been provided at Partabgarh, Gorakhpur, and Kasia dispensaries. The new
buildings of Unao veterinary hospital are completed.

It is very satisfactory and encouraging to record that the total of cases
treated during the year at hospitals and dispensaries was : out-patients 85,892 and
in-patients 6,582, making a total of 92,474; an increase of 7,998 on last year's
return. This shows the popularity of such institutions and that the general
public are now realizing their usefulness and the necessity for increasing the
number wherever possible.

The travelling veterinary dispensary started in the Etawah district is
continuing to do good work.

40.    The practice of charging fees for castration of inferior sires, both equine
and bovine, and for treatment of cattle by certain District Boards was detrimental
to the interests of horse and cattle-breeding and to obviate this the District Boards
were requested to abolish the same which they very kindly agreed to do.

41.    A uniformity of rate of fees to be charged by the District Board
hospitals and dispensaries is under preparation and will be submitted to the
District Boards for their sanction.

                                III.—BREEDING OPERATIONS.

                                            (1) BOVINE.

                                            (i) Stud balls.

See Table VIII.

42. One hundred and ninety-three stud bulls and buffaloes are now
maintained in 41 districts against 145 of last year and 53 bulls have been
issued under the new scheme under which the Civil Veterinary department will
issue bulls on loan to District Boards, co-operative societies, and certain other
bodies, and already demands for nearly 80 more have been received and they will
be issued very shortly. As mentioned in last year's report the system has been
introduced, as an experiment, in some of the districts to maintain accurate
records for the progeny of the Government bulls with a view to give local awards
of substantial prizes to the best specimens of young stock, for which a grant of
Rs. 2,000 has been sanctioned by the Government in the current year's budget. It
is therefore hoped that this will stimulate public interest in cattle-breeding.
Bull-rearing and breeding farms and depôts.

See Table IX

43.    Kheri cattle farm.—There are at present 333 head of cattle on the farm.
The past year has been a particularly healthy one for them. Forty-six bulls have
been either issued free or sold in the districts of Bijnor, Moradabad, Gorakhpur,
Bahraich, Benares, Gonda, Mirzapur, and Lucknow.

Breeding cows have been introduced into the farm with the object of
breeding our own bulls.

44.     The inspection bungalow has been completed and some improvements
and additions have also been made to the buildings. Clearing of jungle has been
continued and more land has been brought under cultivation and the grass land
has been improved. The necessity of construction of a bridge to span the stream
is greatly felt, especially during the rainy season.

45.    Madhuri Kund cattle farm.—It is regretted that adequate irrigation hag
not been provided to the farm, which has retarded very much the work of cultiva-
tion as regards green fodder for the cattle which is so necessary for livestock,
especially cattle of western breeds. The construction of the minor has now been
given over to the Canal department and it is a pleasure to note that they have
nearly completed the work which when fully complete will enable the farm to
cultivate some early kharif and make other improvements in planting grass, trees,
etc. Further improvements in fencing the boundary line have been carried out
and some more paddocks have been cleared.

As was mentioned last year a suitable roadway for access to the farm is
keenly felt.

See Table IX.

46.    There are now 232 head of livestock on the farm and their health was
particularly good. We have now stocked the following breeds:— Hissar, Kosi
Sahiwal, and Murra buffaloes.

47.    Some difficulty is being experienced of late years in the management
and treatment of bulls issued from both the farms owing to the ignorance of