( 7 )

horse and pony from a point of general utility in those tracts other than the four
selected districts. The past few years have seen a very considerable improvement
in the quality of the animals bred in these unselected districts which fully
vindicates the very small expenditure incurred in this direction.

                                            (ii) Donkey stallions.

See Table X
and XI.

55.    At the commencement of the year there were 19 provincial donkeys on
the register, two died, thus leaving a balance of 17. Of these, 14 were at stud and
the number of mares covered by them amounted to 689 being a decrease of 131.


56.    The sheep-breeding experiments undertaken by this department during
the last few years with a view to improve the quality and quantity of the
wool of the indigenous sheep continue to be very encouraging and highly
satisfactory. The introduction of the Merino strain has been found to steadily
have the desired beneficial effect on the fleeces in point of their all-round richness.
It is very gratifying to note that funds have partly been sanctioned for starting a
sheep-rearing farm in the budget for 1917-18 and it is expected that a suitable
plot of land will shortly be acquired in the district of Jalaun and a proper sheep
farm gradually run on more practical lines. A few half-bred rams have been
issued to several districts, to court of wards estates, and others and the reports
received up to date have been distinctly encouraging.

                                                Fairs and shows.

See Table XIV.

57. Wherever possible these fairs and shows were attended by officers of
the Civil Veterinary department and Mr. Oliver was present and judged exhibits
at the Dewa fair, district Bara Banki. The first Deputy Superintendent, M. Niaz
Muhammed, was deputed to Tigri, Budaun, Etawah, Aligarh, Bulandshahr,
Nauchandi, and Muzaffarnagar fairs and shows and in most of these fairs veterinary
instruments and remedies were exhibited and magic lantern demonstrations on
animal subjects to the cultivators attending the fairs were given. I personally
attended and judged the cattle and other animals at the Budaun and Etawah

Rupees one thousand seven hundred and forty-one were contributed towards
prize awards and this amount was distributed at Tigri, Ballia, Dewa, Budaun, and
Bulandshahr fairs.

                            IV.—SUBORDINATE ESTABLISHMENT.

                            Numbers, supervision, and work performed.

See Table VII.

58.    The strength of the subordinate veterinary establishment as it stood on
the 31st March was as follows :—Veterinary inspectors 16, farm and dépôt overseers
4, veterinary assistants employed in districts 128, veterinary assistants employed by
municipalities 17, veterinary assistants deputed to Military department 11, and
veterinary assistants attached to headquarters staff (including one at the Cawnpore
Agricultural Farm) 9, or in all 185 against 179 last year, making an increase of six

59.    Owing however to the enormous demand for the services of veterinary
assistants for the war it is quite impossible to obtain anything like the number
required, as in view of the scheme for the new settlement of the financial
arrangements for District Boards where the services of about 50 extra veterinary
assistants have been required and for the same reason the headquarters staff is also
seven officers below its sanctioned strength, but it is hoped however that on the
completion of the war we shall be able to fill some of the vacancies.

60.    The services of all veterinary assistants having been brought on the
provincial cadre of the Civil Veterinary department from the 1st April, 1916, they
are now better employed and more efficiently controlled with regard to the
technical nature of their work and their endeavours to evade duties to which they
were before apt have greatly been checked.

61.    The veterinary inspectors did very useful work and were engaged during
the year in the inspection and checking of the work of veterinary assistants,
conducting inoculations and other measures to suppress outbreaks; in inspecting