Annual Report of the Civil Veterinary Department,
                              United Provinces, 1918-19.

1.    The administration report of the department for the year ending the
31st March, 1919, is herewith submitted.

2.    I held charge of the department during the year, and in addition to this
work I carried out the duties of the second Superintendent, who throughout the
year continued to be on military duty.

3.    Mr. R. A. Stow, whose appointment has been sanctioned in G. O.
no. 1869/XVIII—319, dated the 13th September, 1918, took over charge of his
duties as Farms Manager from 1st December, 1918.

4.     Tours of officers.—I was on tour for 104 days and travelled 1,467 miles
by road and 11,798 miles by rail. I toured in 19 districts, during which inspec-
tions were made of the veterinary hospitals and dispensaries. District stallion
stands and horse, sheep and cattle-breeding tracts were also visited. The depart-
mental cattle farms at Muttra and Kheri, also the stallion dépôt at Moradabad,
necessitated my frequent attendance during the year. Stud bulls, young equine
and bovine stock were inspected as well as the flocks of sheep located in various
parts of the province. I visited Bombay twice for the purchase of Arab stallions
and attended the veterinary sectional meeting at Lahore. Where possible, out-
breaks of contagious animal disease were personally attended to and investigated.

5.    The Farms Manager was on tour for 80 days, during which time he
travelled 298 miles by road and 3,082 miles by rail. Most of his time was spent
at the Muttra and Kheri farms and work connected with the stimulation and
improvement of the cattle-breeding industry claimed its share of attention.

6.    M. Niaz Mohammed, Deputy Superintendent, was in charge of the
Moradabad sub-division during the year.

He was on tour for 198 days, during which time ho travelled 7,898 miles by
rail and 1,709 miles by road. He toured in 19 districts, checked and supervised
the work of the subordinate staff. He also visited bull and stallion stands for the
purpose of instructing attendants in the correct methods of dealing with these
animals for stud purposes. He attended the Aligarh and Bulandshahr horse fairs
and Nauchandi fair at Meerut, where he demonstrated veterinary methods to
stock-owners. He was specially deputed to check the severe outbreaks of rin-
derpest in the Tarai district, Naini Tal, and conduct inoculations there. He also
attended surra and glanders and farcy outbreaks in the districts of Naini Tal,
Saharanpur, Moradabad, and Dehra Dun.

7.    S. M. Raza Husain, Deputy Superintendent, held charge of the Allaha-
bad sub-division throughout the year, in addition to his own duties, during the
absence of Mr. T. S. Davies on military duty. He was on tour for 188 days and
travelled 9,586 miles by rail and 633 miles by road. Ho attended outbreaks of
glanders in the Gonda district, where the disease was of a virulent typo and also
investigated diseases amongst the cattle of the Bareilly municipality. He super-
vised the work of the veterinary inspectors and assistants, and conducted cattle-
breeding operations. He also toured through the tracts where sheep-breeding is
in progress and gave instruction in the practical work of the department to the
newly-qualified graduates.

                                   I.—Veterinary Instruction.

8.    As usual, seven students were this year selected for training in the
veterinary colleges as scholarship-holders. Three were sent to Bengal and four
to the Punjab veterinary college Of those students, who are already undergoing
a course of study, two in the final class at the Bengal veterinary college have
passed their examination and joined the department. Out of three each in the
2nd and 1st-year classes, all of them passed and promoted to the next higher
classes. Of the Punjab students out of six in the final class four passed their ex-
aminations and two failed in one subject each, but have been permitted to go up for
re-examination in June. Out of nine students in 2nd year, eight passed and were