
on the other hand, many were affected by a benign form of the disease which was
quickly suppressed. The disease assumed a very virulent type in the districts of
Naini Tal, Bijnor, Budaun, Jalaun, Banda, and Hamirpur, where outbreaks were
promptly attended to and necessary steps taken for preventing its spread. Where
the district veterinary staff was insufficient to cope with the disease, some of the
headquarters veterinary staff were deputed and rendered considerable assistance.
Inoculations were carried out in 39 districts.

See table III.

20. Haemorrhagic Septicaemia.—This year the disease appeared in 32
districts with a total mortality of 1,029 as against 3,142 of last year. Five
thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight cattle were inoculated.

See table III.

21.    Blackquarter.—There has again been a satisfactory decline in the
prevalence of this disease. It appeared in 12 districts and 178 deaths only have
been reported. In those places where the disease appears to recur periodically
vaccination was resorted to as a preventive measure and 300 animals were treated
by this method. Protective vaccination is probably responsible to some extent
for the steady decrease in the death-rate.

22.    Foot-and-mouth disease.—During the year under report the province
has suffered less severely than usual from this scourge. The reported losses
from the disease were 1,652, the mortality being chiefly confined to young stock,
or old, weakly, and decrepit animals.

Apart from the losses by death from this disease, it causes much incon-
venience to agriculturists, especially during harvest or ploughing seasons. The
veterinary assistants have been kept very busy throughout the year in attending
and treating oases of this disease. Where funds were available, medicines have
been distributed free to owners of affected cattle.

23.    Anthrax.—Reports of this disease were received from 19 districts and
455 animals perished. Owing to the nature of this malady, its sudden onset and
rapidly fatal termination, it is only in a few cases that veterinary assistants are
able to reach the seat of trouble in time to be of any assistance. It is not easily
diagnosed by laymen and often is mistaken for other diseases.

24.    Other contagious diseases.—Three hundred and fifty-eight head of
cattle are reported as having died from other contagious diseases which include
pleuro-pneumonia, tuberoulosis, contagious abortion, etc

25.     Contagious diseases amongst other animals.—Rinderpest in sheep and
goats has occurred in a few districts, whereas rabies, distemper, fowl-cholera, etc
were responsible for deaths anions the smaller domesticated animals.

See table III.

26. Preventive inoculation.—During the year under report protective
inoculations chiefly against rinderpest have been carried out on a large scale.
Operations of this nature were undertaken in 405 outbreaks and 45,523 animals
were inoculated. There would have been more inoculations against rinderpest
had not the supply of the serum been temporarily suspended owing to the out-
break of influenza amongst the staff of the laboratory at Muktesar.

See table IV.

27. Other diseases.—During the past year the itinerating veterinary
assistants visited 14,570 villages and treated 24,687 animals for diseases other than
those already reported on. In addition to this they castrated 316 animals and
attended 26,041 cases of contagious diseases exclusive of those treated in hospitals
and dispensaries.

28. Investigation of disease.—During the year under report many interest-
ing specimens of blood morbid tissues, intestinal and other parasites have been
submitted to the laboratory at headquarters by veterinary inspectors and assistants
and also have been received from district authorities for bacteriological and
pathological examination. Examinations have been made and the results have been
noted and communicated to those persons concerned. Satisfactory work has also
been carried out at the Research Station at Badshahbagh. Investigations were
conducted in connection with kamri, pleuro-pneumonia in sheep and goats, gillar
barsati, akrah, fowl-cholera, piroplasmosis, etc. A scries of experiments to
determine the most economical and effective form of drug treatmont for the
numerous internal and external parasites of sheep and cattle are being carried out.
The prophylactic and curative effects of distemper vaceines and pneumonia
phylacogen are being tested.