
storage installations in the future, there is no reason why the improvement in the
fleece should not be accompanied by an improvement in the carcase for mutton.
It is therefore proposed to carry out some further experiments with a view to
bringing this about. For this purpose a batch of Romney Marsh rams are now
being imported.

55.    One hundred and forty-three half-bred stud Merino rams have now
been issued to private flocks in the districts of Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Buland-
shahr, Aligarh, Muttra, Etah, Bijnor, Moradabad, Jalaun, Banda, Fatehpur,
Allahabad, Benares, Gorakhpur, Basti, Garhwal, Lucknow, Unao, Sitapur, Kheri,
Gonda, and Bahraich. The department maintains experimental flocks at
Lucknow, Moradabad, Muttra, Etawah, Kheri, and Naini Tal, and a scheme is
under consideration for establishing an extensive sheep run in Bundelkhand.

56.     Samples of the wool produced from the Government flocks have been
submitted to experts in Cawnpore and Bradford. The quality of the yield of
the wool has been reported on most favourably. The fleeces from the 1919-20
clip fetched as much as Rs. 1-12 per pound and sold for Rs. 1,224.

                                 (3) POULTRY-BREEDING.

57.    A small demonstration poultry run has been established in Lucknow
in connection with the research station and it is intended to start others in
connection with the cattle farms.

                        (4) EQUINE (UNDER LOCAL BODIES).
                                    (i) Horse and pony stallions.

See table X.

58 At the beginning of the year there were 79 horse and pony stallions
at stud belonging to this department. Nine were purchased during the year, one
died, six were destroyed, and three were castrated and sold as they were unfit
for further stud work, thus leaving a balance of 78 at the end of the year.

See table XI.

59.    Sixty-seven sires were employed at stud work during the year and the
number of mares covered by these stallions amounted to 3,468, being an increase
of 42 over last year's figures which is very satisfactory.

60.    Regarding young stock, the progeny of the provincial sires shows a
continued improvement and particularly in the following districts—Saharanpur,
Budaun, Moradabad, and Shahjahanpur. It is gratifying to note that at the last
Saharanpur fair, more than half of the total prizes under the horse classes were
won by the progeny of the Civil Veterinary department sires, and when sold
at the fair they were bought at very high prices.

61.    As mentioned in the last year's report, the functions of this depart-
ment as far as horse-breeding is concerned are confined to the improvement of
the indigenous horse and pony from a point of general utility in those tracts
other than the four selected districts. The past years have seen a very consider-
able improvement in the quality of the animals bred in these unselected districts
which fully justifies the very moderate expenditure incurred in this direction.

                                       (ii) Donkey stallions.

See tables X
and XI.

62. Therelbeing no casualties amongst donkey stallions, the number at the
close of the year was the same as at the commencement of the year, viz. 19. Of
these 16 were at stud work and the number of mares covered by them amounted
to 858, being an increase of 23.

                                          Fairs and shows.

See table XIV.

63.    Deputy Superintendent Khan Sahib Sheikh Niaz Muhammed attended
the cattle and horse fairs and shows at Muzaflarnagar, Saharanpur, Budaun, and
Hardoi and Deputy Superintendent S. M. Raza Husain attended those at Aligarh,
Bulandshahr, Nauchandi (Meerut), Makanpur (Cawnpore), Unao, and Dewa
(Bara Banki). At most of these gatherings veterinary instruments and remedies

of interest to the public were exhibited. Money was distributed as prize awards.

64.    Rupees six hundred and fifty were distributed to progeny of Govern-
ment bulls during the inspection tours in the districts of Aligarh, Etawah, and

                           IV.—SUBORDINATE ESTABLISHMENT.

See table VII.

65. The strength of the subordinate veterinary establishment as it stood on
the 31st March, 1920, was as follows :—Veterinary inspectors 16, farm and dépôt