( 2 )

visited the districts of Gonda and Bahraich in connection with a dourin
outbreak. He selected a site for a veterinary hospital to bo established b
the Nanpara Court of Wards' Estate. He also attended the veterinary
conference at Calcutta.

11.     Mr. E. D. Evans toured for 65 days, during which time 1
travelled 354 miles by rail and 408 miles by road. His tour ranged in by
districts, viz., Bijnor and Garhwal where he surveyed the sheep-breeding
industry carried out by the people of these two places.

12.     Mr. T. S. Davies, officiating 1st Deputy Superintendent, was
leave twice in the year, from the 2nd May to the 1st September, 1925
and again from the 18th September, 1922 to the 1st February, 1923, c
account of illness. He travelled 300 miles by rail and 12 miles by road
and was on tour for 12 days. He attended the horse and cattle show a

13.    S. M. Raza Husain, officiating 2nd Deputy Superintendent, w
on tour for 180 days and travelled 1,302 miles by road and 6,451 miles
rail. He inspected all the hospitals and dispensaries and stallion stan
of his sub-division. He visited the seats of virulent outbreaks of cattle
disease and attended the cattle fairs and shows of his sub-division.

14.    Pandit Tek Chand, officiating 3rd Deputy Superintendent, wast
tour for 166 days, during which time he travelled 7,349 miles by rail at
1,044 miles by road. He was deputed to the Gorakhpur district
enquire into an outbreak of surra which was badly prevalent in the Chat
paran and Saran districts adjoining Gorakhpur. He attended outbres
of rinderpest and haemorrhagic septicaemia, which appeared in a virul
form in the districts of Ballia and Azamgarh, where he personally conduct

                    I.—VETERINARY INSTRUCTION.

15.    This year only two students were selected and sent for training
the Punjab Veterinary College. None was selected for the Bengal Veterinary
College under the orders of the Government, as the charges deman
by the Bengal Government for the training of the United Provin
students were found heavy in comparison with the charges demanded
the Punjab Government. Of those students, who were already undergo
a course of study at the Bengal Veterinary College, two in the final c
passed and reported to my office for appointment but have not yet be
taken on owing to there being no vacancies in the department. Out
the three in the 2nd year class, all passed and were promoted to the 3rd y
and the one in the 1st year passed and was promoted to the next higl
class. Of the Punjab students, all five in the final year including one w
failed last year, passed and reported their arrival to me but are awaiti
appointments. The two in the 1st year class will be examined in S
tember next as the session of the College has changed from April

16.    The United Provinces Veterinary Medical Society, which was star
in 1912 by the members of the Civil Veterinary department, is doing go
work. A well attended and successful meeting was held in April, 1922,
Moradabad. An Urdu veterinary journal is published monthly. Mu
good work has been done by means of magic lantern demonstra tio
dealing with veterinary work and connected with live-stock generally.