( 4 )

27.    Foot and mouth disease..—During the year under report, w
the exception of Budaun, Moradabad, Shahjahanpur, Farrukhabad, Fate
pur, Jhansi, Almora and Rae Bareli all other districts reported the ex
tence of this disease, the mortality being estimated at 1,318 as against 1,3
in the year 1921-22. Deaths from this disease are usually confined
young calves or old, weak and decrepit animals. Wherever possible, e
vice and treatment were given and medicine distributed free of charge
the stock owners.

28.     Black quarter.—Outbreaks of this malady were reported from
districts with a total mortality of 605 as against 443. Most serious o
breaks occurred in the districts of Hamirpur and Banda.

29.    Anthrax.—This is reported to have occurred in 27 distri
against 22 last year and destroyed 824 head of cattle. Entire relian
however, cannot be placed on these figures owing to the fact that i
disease usually occurring sporadically, is of sudden onset and runs
rapidly fatal course. It is not usually diagnosed by laymen and ofter
mistaken for other diseases. Only one case was confirmed microscopical,

30.     Other contagious diseases.—Ninety-two head of cattle are
reported as having died of other contagious diseases  which include bovin
piroplasmosis, tuberculosis, internal parasites, etc.    In low lying marsh
districts liver fluke is the cause of many deaths.

31.    Contagious dissase amongst other animals.—Pleuro pneumoni
occurred amongst sheep and goats in the district of Garhwal and destroyed
350 animals, also camel pox has been reported from several districts. Whil
rabies, canine distemper, fowl cholera, piroplasmosis and various parasit
ailments are answerable for deaths among the small domesticated animals

See table III.

32. Preventive inoculation.—During the year under report 49,00
protective inoculations have been carried out, chiefly against rinderpe
and haemorrhagic septicaemia as against 39,648 in the previous year.
special effort to deal with a serious outbreak of rinderpest was made in the
district of Ballia. The Deputy Superintendent, Veterinary Inspector an
Veterinary Assistants attached to headquarters, were deputed to supple
ment the district veterinary staff. The result was that 9,166 anima
were immunized and the outbreak promptly got in hand. Considerin
the widespread prevalence of the disease in the district it is obvious the
but for timely inoculations very much heavier losses would have occurred,

See table IV.

33.    Other disease. —During the past year, the veterinary assistan
visited 15,911 villages and treated 26,901 animals for diseases other tha
those already reported on. In addition to this they castrated 402 anima
and attended 49,908 cases of contagious diseases exclusive of those treate
in hospitals and dispensaries.

34.    Investigation of disease.—During the year under report tv
small laboratories were opened and attached to the offices of the 2nd and 3:
Superintendents. A great number of specimens of blood smears, morb
tissues and other materials were received from the district veterinary sta
and veterinary inspectors for examination and opinion. The results we
noted and, where possible, the diagnosis confirmed. The prophylactic ar
curative effects of distemper and tetanus vaccines were tested.

The Research and Experimental Station at Badshahbagh is doing ve
useful work to the public and affords a great opportunity for observatic