( 7 )


                    Numbers, supervision, and work performed.

See table VII.

53.    The strength of the subordinate veterinary establishment as it
od on the 31st March, 1923, was the same as was on the 31st March,

54.    The veterinary inspectors are doing useful work and have been
lily employed during the year in checking the work of veterinary
stants, conducting inoculation campaigns and taking other measures
suppress outbreaks of diseases. Cattle pounds, dairy sheds, etc., have
n visited by them. The headquarters staff of veterinary assistants
done good work in relieving district veterinary assistants proceeding
leave and in rendering help in the treatment of cattle diseases
inoculation in cases where the local staff has been inadequate. The
pectors travelled 22,166 miles by rail, 18,071 miles by road and
pected 4,066 villages, besides periodical inspection of veterinary dispen-
ies under their charge.


See table XIVA.

55.    The cost of the department according to the statement furnished
the Accountant-General is Rs. 3,62,597 as against Rs. 4,05,594 for
previous year.

                                VI.—GENERAL REMARKS.

56.     The work of the department performed during the year under
port is, on the whole, very satisfactory and considerable advancement
is been shown in nearly every branch. There has been an increase in
oculation work carried out against contagious diseases, also an increase

non-contagious cases treated at hospitals, dispensaries and on tour
kowing that year by year the general public are taking much more
terest in veterinary matters. The present system of reporting by
atwaries is bad. There is much too long a delay between the outbreak
a disease and the report reaching the veterinary assistant A great
oportion of deaths from contagious disease could be prevented if out-
reaks were reported at once. I am investigating the whole matter and
pe, in the near future, to put up for Government sanction, revised rules
r the reporting of contagious diseases.

57.    There is still a great demand for donkey stallions and as it is
actically impossible to obtain good jacks in India, arrangements are
ing made with the Army Remount departments for two or three good
merican donkey stallions.

58.    The new office and laboratory for the Adviser which were under
nstruction, were completed in August and were taken over by the depart-
mt on the 17th August, 1922. Office accommodations for the 2nd and
d Superintendents have also been obtained at Agra and Allahabad, in
red bungalows.

59.    The plans and estimates for the proposed Veterinary College are
th Government for final sanction but in the present financial stringency
appears unlikely that the building will be commenced for some time.

60.    Six sanads were awarded for rendering genuine assistance and
rthering the work of inoculation.

61.     There is a great tendency on the part of district boards to cut
own their veterinary budgets as was explained by Major Oliver last year.