
attended by the agriculturist community who took a keen interest in
them, and it was strengthened by the free distribution of pamphlets in
simple vernacular dealing with the causes and means of suppression of
cattle diseases containing valuable information.

                          II.—TREATMENT OF DISEASE.

See table II

18.    There has been an increase this year in the number of deaths
reported from contagious diseases, the total mortality being 41,192 as
against 30,789 in the previous year. Rinderpest, unfortunately, has
been responsible for 30,742 deaths, although it is believed that the
number would have been appreciably less if the supply of serum had
not been suspended temporarily for want of funds. The large number
of deaths may, at the first sight, look depressing, but the fact is that
ignorant and superstitious vilagers are gradually shaking off their false
dread of Western scientific methods of animal treatment, and are now
coining out to supply correct information, which they were in the habit
of suppressing in the past. There is a reduction in the death-rate from
blackquarter and anthrax as compared with the last year. It is pleasing
to note that the death-rate among horses and ponies was comparatively

19.    Equine.—The figures under this head indicate the mortality
amongst equines in the whole of the province—selected and non-
selected districts. A sum of Rs. 63 was paid to poor owners towards
compensation for animals destroyed in the selected districts.

20.    Glanders and Farcy.—There was only one positive case of
this malady at Hardwar, district Saharanpur, detected during the big
Kumbh Fair which aroused a great professional interest as it proved to
he a case of mixed infection with simultaneous attacks of two different
infectious diseases, viz., glanders and surra.

21.—Surra.—The disease appeared this year in a less widespread
form than in the previous year. Twelve out of 48 districts in the
province had its outbreak of which three, viz., Muzaffarnagar, Meerut
and Bulandshahr were from the selected districts. The disease
appeared, as in the previous year, about the middle of August and sub-
sided towards the end of December, 1927. The first case was reported
from Saharanpur district and due to prompt action being taken the
disease was well controlled, for which the staff employed at the work
is to be congratulated. A sum of Rs. 493 was paid towards compensa-
tion to the poor owners.

22.    Anthrax.—No cases of this disease were reported to have
occurred during this year.

23.    Dourine.—So far as information goes, there was no death from
this disease.