
24.    Other contagious diseases.—One hundred and twenty-two
cases of deaths were reported under this heading which included cases
of strangles, tetanus, scabies, rabies, horse-pox and Miliary fever.


25.    Rinderpest.—During the year, rinderpest was widely spread
throughout the province. The number of deaths being 30,742 as against
22,110 of the last year. In only 4 districts the mortality was below a
hundred and in 9, it rose to over a thousand, the highest being that in
Garhwal where it figured to 3,408 as against 8,365 in the previous year.
The comparison shows that the virulent form of epidemic that ravaged
the district of Garhwal in the previous year has greatly been controlled
by the help of the head-quarter staff in addition to the staff of veterinary
assistant surgeons maintained by the district board. The Government
have sanctioned a mobile squad of 10 veterinary assistant surgeons for
carrying out campaigns against the disease in the Kumaun division, but
owing to the paucity of qualified men the squad could not as yet
be formed. The second district in the province where the disease swept
away a large number of animals was Cawnpore, where a deputy super-
intendent and a veterinary inspector were specially deputed to deal with
the outbreaks, and an extra veterinary assistant surgeon has also been
temporarily" employed since September 1, 1027. Cattle dealers who
emigrated with their wandering herds of cattle from the bordering pro-
vince of the Punjab. Rajputana, and Central India and pass through
these provinces are. to some extent, responsible for the outbreaks in
these provinces.

26.    Foot-and-mouth disease.—This was responsible for the death
of 3,453 cattle as against 2,712 in the previous year. With the excep-
tion of 7 districts only, the whole of the province was subjected to this
disease. Advice was given on hygienic measures, and curative treat-
ment adopted, wherever possible.

27.    Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—This appeared in 43 districts, and
the number of cases reported to have succumbed to it was 3,009 as
against 2,674 in the previous year. The disease assumed a serious form
in the districts of Saharanpur, Aligarh, Mainpuri, Rae Bareli, Kheri
and Partabgarh.

28.    Blackquarter.—This disease appeared in 18 districts, causing
a mortality of 219 as against 370 in the previous year. Serum-alone
and serum and aggressin simultaneous methods have this year been
used to inoculate cattle with satisfactory results. The serum-alone me-
thod has been proved to be of benefit during the actual outbreak of the

29.    Anthrax.—This disease is reported to have made its appear-
ance in 28 districts during the year, destroying 919 animals as against
1,295 last year. Full reliance cannot be placed on these figures as the