
hospitals and dispensaries, checked the work of an itinerating veterin-
ary assistant surgeon, visited four stallion stands, inspected Police
Lines horses at Jhansi and Cawnpore and attended three cattle fairs
and shows.

7. Mr. Lakshmi Sahai officiated as Deputy Superintendent, Basti,
up to April 27, 1932, when he resigned. He made over temporary
charge of his sub-division to Khan Bahadur Sheikh Niaz Mohamed.
Superintendent, Allahabad Circle, who made it over to Babu Chunni
Lal on August 22, 1933, on his appointment as officiating Deputy
Superintendent, Basti.

Mr. Sahai toured for 14 days, travelling 799 miles by rail and 96
miles by road. He inspected three veterinary dispensaries and
attended two horses and cattle fairs. Babu Chunni Lal toured for 78
days, travelling 1,678 miles by rail and 1,079 miles by road. He
visited 22 veterinary hospitals and dispensaries, checked the work of
one veterinary assistant surgeon, inspected three stallion stands and
one buffalo bull stand. He also inspected the horses belonging to
the Balrampur and Bansi Estates in Gonda and Basti Districts for
checking of contagious diseases.

                                    CHAPTER II

                     TREATMENT OF DISEASES

                             Contagious diseases

Table II.

8. The outbreaks of cattle epidemics were almost quite as severe
as in the previous year and the reported mor-
tality during the year was 55,110 as against
57,357 during 1931-32.

                                     (a) Equine

Table II.

9. There was an increase of 11 in the number of deaths under
this head, the total being 98 against 87 in the
past year.

Four positive cases of glanders were detected in the districts of
Muttra, Agra, Shahjahanpur and Basti which were destroyed and
necessary measures taken as prescribed under the Glanders and Farcy

Eight cases of surra were reported during the year and they were
all from Naini Tal District, seven being from Tarai and Bhabar
Government Estates. There were 86 cases of deaths from other con-
tagious diseases as compared with 78 during the past year. This head
includes strangles, piroplasmosis, etc. and the diseases caused by
internal and external parasites.

                                     (b) Bovine

Table II.

10. The disease was a little less severe than in the preceding
year as compared with the reported deaths of
43,600 animals against 47,761 of the year before.
The number exceeded 1,000 in 10 districts and
in the districts of Cawnpore, Allahabad, Benares and Ghazipur it rose