( 3 )

Of these 30 died during the course of treatment, and 8 after having
been treated and discharged; all these were cases in the advanced
stages of the disease when treatment was started—paraplegia and
paralysis having set in in varying degrees of severity. Treatment is
not always successful in such advanced cases—hence the importance
of early diagnosis. Sixty deaths were reported before treatment was

Other diseases.

There were 78 cases of deaths from other diseases compared with
72 in the preceding year, these included Piro-plasmosis strangles, tetanus, cirrhosis etc.
and other parasitic diseases.

                                    (6) Bovine

Rinderpest—Table II.

6. The reported mortality from this disease was 15,078 as against
40,450 in the previous year. The highest
number of deaths was in the Agra Division, and
in Agra District alone it was 1,535.

Anti-Rinderpest Ino-
culations—Table III.

7. There were 1,075 outbreaks of this disease reported during
the year, and the number of inoculations per-
formed in the actual outbreaks, and in centres
free from the disease was as follows :—


Serum Alone inoculations .. ..

.. 1,12,377


Serum Simultaneous inoculations ..

.. 699


Goat Virus inoculations .. ..

.. 11,786


Tissue Virus inoculations .. ..

.. 20,560


.. 1,45,422

The efficacy of the value of the different methods employed is
being watched and the relative value of each will be noted. It is
hoped that owing to the short period of immunity produced by the
serum alone method, this method will fall into disuse or be only used
in controlling reactions in animals, produced by the " virus alone "

Foot and Mouth Dis-
ease—Table II.

8. Foot and Mouth disease was severe during the year and
appeared in 43 districts of the province. The
reported mortality was 1,339 against 1,086 in the
past year. Necessary hygienic and cuartive
methods were applied, so far as possible, with good results.

Owing to the rapidity with which this disease spreads, legislative
control will be the only successful means of reducing its incidence ;
this question is now under the consideration of Government.

Haemorrhagic Sep -
ticaemia—Tables II and

9. The deaths reported from this disease were 8,469 against
8,270 in the year preceding. It was in evidence in all the districts
in the province excepting those in the Kumaun
Division. The highest number of deaths was in
the Saharanpur District which numbered 563.
The number of inoculations performed against this disease was 67,351
as compared with 46,653 last year. In addition to this number 7,548
animals were immunized with Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Vaccine.