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product and a step further in the control of rinderpest, a problem that
is of immense importance to livestock owners in a country which is
practically saturated with animal disease.

Acknowledgments .

43. The officers named below are com-
mended for good work :—

Veterinary Inspectors—S. Udam Singh, S. Salman Hasan
Naqvi, S. Udey Singh Siddhu, Babu Ram Sarup.

Veterinary Assistant Surgeons—Babu Piarey Lal Sharma, M.
Nasirul Hasan Qadri.

The work of the Head Assistant and his office staff was also satis-

In conclusion, I wish to record my appreciation of the satisfactory
work done by Circle Officers and the Veterinary Investigation Officer
during the year.

                                                        T. J. EGAN, I.V.S.,

                                        Director, Civil Veterinary Department,

                                                                                United Provinces