
tissue virus emulsified in 0.5 per cent. saline. Both the chloroformed
and the unchloroformed vaccines are being subjected to extensive trials
by scarification method at the actual scene of outbreak of the disease
at various places in the province.

An atypical type of Haemorrhagic Septicaemia was observed at the
Madhurikund Cattle Farm, Muttra, among the suckling buffalo calves
accounting for heavy losses. The diagnosis of the condition was ren-
dered difficult in the beginning. Microscopic examination of the material
showed bipolar organisms which were confirmed for pasteurellosis by
Mukteswar. As ordinary anti-haemorrhagic septicaemia serum was
helpful in subsiding the trouble for a short period only, special haemorr-
hagic septicaemia vaccine was injected with beneficial results. A
similar trouble arose at the R. E. I. Dairy, Dayalbagh, Agra, which was
strongly suspected by the dairy authorities for malicious poisoning.
Examination of morbid material at the departmental laboratory at
Agra and subsequent confirmation by the Mukteswar authorities proved
that the trouble was due to pasteurellosis. The disease stopped after
repeated serumization of the herd at regular intervals.

Experiments designed to ascertain a single minimum dose of Naganol
as prophylactic against surra in equines were conducted again during
the year. It was observed that a single dose of I gram of the drug
was found to give protection against surra to horses and mules
during the surra season. This confirms the last year's findings, but as
the disease prevailed in a milder form this year also, it is intended to
repeat the experiment next year for further confirmation of the results.

Experiments on anthrax spore vaccine recently introduced by
the Imperial Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar, for use in
cattle and sheep have been conducted on a small scale and the results
are awaited.

A peculiar trouble suspected to be a cutaneous form of rinderpest
was observed amongst young stock of buffaloes at the Government
Cattle Farm, Bharari, Jhansi. It was confined to young buffaloes and
the Hissar herd remained free from the disease. Inoculation with goat
tissue virus reduced the incidence in one of the three herds, but the
disease kept on lingering in two of the herds. The material sent to the
Mukteswar Institute proved negative for rinderpest and pox. No
constant and specific lesions of any etiological significance were seen
and the material was also negative for coccidiosis. The investigation
will be pursued on the occurrence of the trouble in future.

Samples of serum from the cattle of the Agricultural Institute,
Allahabad, and from six cows of a local gowala of Aallahabad were sub-
jected to agglutination test for evidence of infection with the common
causal organism of contagious bovine abortion, namely, brucella abortus,
and with the exception of one cow which proved positive in the first