(4) Fairs and Shows.

Cattle Fairs and Shows—Table XIV.

11. The annual horse and cattle show was held at Pushkar in the Ajmer
district on the 3rd November. One hun-
dred and forty-eight animals competed for
prizes and Rs. 118 were awarded.


Strength of establishment—Table VII.

12. As in the previous year the subordinate establishment consisted of
three Veterinary Assistants. Their work
has been shown under head (3) Veterinary
Hospitals and Dispensaries.


Expenditure—Table XIV-A.

13.    The expenditure incurred from Local Funds was Rs. 5,118-2-1 against
an expenditure of Rs. 3,472-8-4 in the
previous year. The increase is due to the
holding of the horse and cattle show at Pushkar. It could not be held last

                                  VI.—GENERAL REMARKS.

14.    The Superintendent has nothing to record under this head.

                                    J. G. CATTELL, I.C.V.D., Superintendent,
                                                              Civil Veterinary Department,
                                                                  Sind, Baluchistan and Rajputana.