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MADRAS .—Office of the Superintendent, Government Press, Mount Road, Madras.
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Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta and Simla
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R. Cambray & Co., Calcutta.
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The Indian School Supply Depôt, 309, Bow
Bazar Street, Calcutta, and 226, Nawab-
pur, Dacca.
Butterworth & Co. (India), Ltd., Calcutta.
Rai M. C. Sarcar Bahadur & Sons, 90-2A,
Harrison Road, Calcutta.
The Weldon Library, 17, Park Street,
Standard Literature Company, Limited,
Association Press, Calcutta.
Chukervertty, Chatterjee & Co., Ltd., 13,
College Square, Calcutta.
The Book Company, Calcutta.
Higginbotham & Co., Madras.
V. Kalyanarama Iyer & Co., Madras.
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Bright & Co., Trivandrum.
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Thacker & Co., Ltd., Bombay.
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Sunder Pandurang, Bombay.
Ram Chandra Govind & Sons, Kalbadevi,
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Proprietor, New Kitabkhana, Poona.
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Agency. 15, Shukrawar, Poona City.
R. S. Gondhalekar's Book Depôt, Publisher
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Poona City.
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pindi. Murree, Lahore, Peshawar, and
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and Bombay.
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Society, 18, Clive Road, Allahabad.
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41, Aminabad Park, Lucknow.
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Indian Army Book Depôt, Juhi, Cawn
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Am Press, Lahore and Allahabad.
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kali, Lahore.
Puri Brothers, Booksellers and Publishers.
Katcheri Road, Lahore.
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Chandni Chawk Street, Delhi.
Oxford Book and Stationery Company,
Supdt., American Baptist Mission Press,
Proprietor, Rangoon Times Press, Rangoon.
The Modern Publishing House, Ltd., 30,
Phayre Street, Rangoon.
The International Buddhist Book Depôt,
Post Box No. 971, Rangoon.
Burma Book Club, Ltd., Rangoon.
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S. C.Talukdar, Proprietor, Students & Co.,
Cooch Behar.
Times of Ceylon Co., Ltd.
The Manager, Ceylon Observer, Colombo.
The Manager, The Indian Book Shop,
Benares City.
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Library. Dacca.
The Srivilliputtur Co-operative Trading
Union, Ltd., Srivilliputtur.