53. The Assistant Veterinary Investigation Officer (Poultry) Sind, took
over charge of his post at Karachi on completion of his training in poultry
husbandry on the 5th March 1946. For the period from 5th to 31st March
1946, he equipped himself with the necessary materials both for laboratory
and office. No work worthy of mention was done during this short period.


54.     Table III.—At the 37 Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries 48,201
In and Out-patients were treated during the year under report, as against
49,580 last year. Medicines and advice were given to owners of 14,339
animals which were not brought to the dispensaries as compared with 13,285
cases treated in the preceding year. The number of castrations performed
was 7,148 as against 6,357 in the previous year.

                        III.—BREEDING OPERATIONS.

55.     Table No. VI-C.—There were 3 Stallions at Stud at the beginning
of the year and they continued on 31st March 1946. The number of mares
covered during the year under report was 129 against 122 covered last year

                                      (ii) BOVINES.

                                (iii) OTHER ANIMALS.

56.     Tables Nos. VI-A and VI-B.—The information obtained from the
Director of Agriculture, Sind, is contained in the tables. Breeding operations
of bovines and other animals (excluding equines) is under the control of
Director of Agriculture, Sind.

57.     Table XII.Horse Show.—At Jacobabad Horse and Pony Show
held during the year under report, 195 horses competed for prizes and a total
sum of Rs. 915 in cash and a silver medal were awarded in prizes, as against
159 horses competed, Rs. 1,040 and a silver medal awarded last year. As
usual, Government contributed a sum of Rs. 500 in cash and a silver medal.
The Karachi Race and Riding Club, Ltd., was generous enough to continue
their donation of the sum of Rs. 500 this year also towards the Jacobabad
Horse and Pony Show.

58.     Cattle Shows.Table VII.—Information obtained from the Director
of Agriculture, Sind, is embodied in this table.


59.     Table X.—The strength of the Subordinate Veterinary staff was
3 Veterinary Inspectors and 25 Veterinary Assistant Surgeons working at the
beginning of the year. One scholar graduated during the year and was
appointed Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in the department. Two Veterinary
Assistant Surgeons deputed to Military Department reverted to the depart-
ment. One Veterinary Assistant Surgeon was appointed Assistant Veterinary

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