OFFICIAL YEAR 1890-91.

                  My tours in the Horse-Breeding Districts.

1.At the close of the last year I was at Deesa, thence I returned to my
Head-quarters at Ahmednagar and remained there till the 20th of April 1890.
I then went to Bombay for the purpose of assisting in the examination of the
students of the Veterinary College. The examination lasted till the 1st of May,
and after making a couple of days' halt at Poona, I returned to Ahmednagar.

2.Owing to a case of glanders in the Remount Rearing Depôt here and
there being no other Veterinary Surgeon, I was obliged to remain the whole of
May at Ahmednagar.

1st June to 15th July

3. From 1st June to 15th July I remained
at Ahmednagar to do my office work. During this
time I branded 17 mares for horse and 31 for pony.

4. From 14th of July to 15th of September I went on two months'
privilege leave (vide Government Resolution No. 4688 in the Revenue Depart-
ment, dated 5th July 1890) and Captain Williamson, the officer in charge of
Remount Rearing Depôt, Ahmednagar, acted for me.

Poona, 29th September to
7th October 1890.

5. On my return from leave I remained at
Ahmednagar till 28th of September and then pro-
ceeded to Poona to attend the Horse Show.

6.In point of number the show was the largest ever held in Poona. The
quality of the exhibits in some classes was good, and in others the prizes were
withheld owing to the incompetency of the exhibits.

7.During the show I branded 10 mares for horse, 8 for pony and rejected

Opal ... ...

T. B. E.

Dagobert ... ...


Allan Bane ...


Pradhan ... ...


Hakim ... ...


Hector ...




Model ... ...

N. T. E.

Young Freedom ...


Tannaji ... ...


Rocket ... ...


Ormonde... ...


Adonis ...

T. B. E.

8. The marginally noted stallions were brought in for my inspection and

I found them in good con-
dition with the exception of
"Kumayat," who had de-
veloped ringbone. He was
recommended to be castrat-
ed and sold on recovery
(vide Government Reso-
lution No. 7688 in the Revenue Department, dated 29th October 1890).

Koregaon, 8th October

9. My next journey was to Koregaon in the Sátára District where 95
mares were collected for my inspection. I branded
2 mares for horse and 6 for pony. Most of the
mares were a wretched lot in poor condition.

Karád, 29th October 1890.

10. At Karád on the 9th, 325 mares were collected, out of which I branded
1 for horse, 54 for pony and rejected the rest. I
think all the mares in the táluka were collected.
Here I inspected the Government stallion "Kingcraft" and found him in good

Athni, 11th October 1890.

11. I then went to Athni in the Belgaum District where I branded 35
mares for pony and rejected 118. This was the first
time the brand was introduced in this district. I