case, the Director of Land Records and Agriculture should consider if improve-
ment cannot be secured. If the latter, the Superintendent of Horse-Breeding
Operations should pay especial attention to the results of each stallion's work.
It will be of convenience to Government if columns can be added to
Appendix VII, showing against each horse his coverings of the previous year,
and the foals attributed to him in the year of report.

10.    This report does not relate to the period in which the Department has
been supervised by the Director of Land Records and Agriculture, and that
may account for the baldness of Mr. Cappel's review. The Director's next
review should contain a comprehensive examination and discussion of the opera-
tions of the Department and of their results.

11.    It appears from a report submitted by the Superintendent of Horse-
Breeding Operations that the annual district returns required for his report
were not received from some of the District officers till late in July last, and the
report could not therefore be submitted to the Government of India by the
prescribed date. To ensure the punctual submission of the report to the Gov-
ernment of India in future, the Collectors and Political Agents concerned should
be requested to transmit their returns to the Superintendent by the 1st of May
in each year.

                                                                            T. D. MACKENZIE,
                                                                    Chief Secretary to Government.


The Superintendent, Horse-Breeding Operations,

The Commissioner, N. D.,

The Commissioner, C. D.,

The Commissioner, S. D.,

The Commissioner in Sind,

All Collectors, including the Collectors and Deputy
Commissioners in Sind,

With copies of
the report,

The Director of Land Records and Agriculture,

The Accountant General,

The Military Department of the Secretariat,

The Political Department of the Secretariat.

The Secretary of State for India,

By letter.

The Government of India.

                              No.               of 1892.

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