The Deputy Commissioner, Upper Sind Frontier—

" I do not believe the results, as here shown, are to be relied on. I believe many mares
foal which are said not to. I am endeavouring to secure more care and attention to the
collection of results, but in this district it is very difficult. "

The Collector of Shikárpur—

" Horse stallion ' "Waverly ' had become quite useless in the district. The Zamindárs
take little interest in mule-breeding and only bring their mares when prevailed upon by
officers. Out of 319 mares covered, only 42 produced living colts and fillies and 70 per
cent. did not hold. From this it is believed that the stallion donkeys are not suited to the
district. Dark-coloured Persians are the best and most suitable in these parts."

The Assistant Collector, Lárkhána—

" The results are far from satisfactory, but there is, I think, little doubt that they can-
not be accepted as absolutely accurate. As in the case of the mares brought from Shahdádpur,
&c., the information has to be called from the Mukhtiárkars, who personally depute a
supervising Tapedár for enquiry. There is little chance of supervising them, and seeing if
they really ascertain the result of the coverings."

                                        (4).— Castration.

Number of colts castrated.

33. The number of horse and mule colts castrated by Veterinary Assist-
ants and salutris during the year under report is
given in Table XII. The statistics for the last three
years are given below :—












34. There is a decrease of 20 in the number of colts castrated this year.
Out of the total number 151, only 32 were castrated by Veterinary Assistants
and 119 by salutris.


                        (1).Government Donkey Stallions.

Cost of feed and keep.

35. The cost of feed, keep, &c., of Government donkey stallions during
1895-96 is given in Table XIV. The average annual
cost for the last three years is given below :—

















There is a slight increase of Rs. 4 for the reasons given in paragraph 25
above. The cost of feeding a donkey in Ahmednagar, Rs. 401, appears to be
abnormally high ; but it is due to the fact that the four donkey stallions imported
this year were supplied with gear and kit, the charge for which has been included
under this head.

                        (2).—Pony and Donkey Mares.

Number served by Govern-
ment donkey stallions.

36. There is a satisfactory increase in the total number of pony mares
covered, viz., 872 against 762 last year, although
the number of donkey stallions actually at stud work
was only raised from 22.82 to 23.03.


Number foaled.

37. There is an increase of 37.86 against 33.43 last year in the number of
mares covered per stallion, but a decrease in the actual
number foaled. The returns, however, are unreliable
(vide remarks of District Officers in Sind, paragraph 32 above).

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